
Yii2 HTTP SOAP Client

5.0.0 2022-06-02 14:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:30:37 UTC


Yii2 component for SOAP requests.

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The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

  • Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist "nyx-solutions/yii2-http-soap-client" "*"

or add

"nyx-solutions/yii2-http-soap-client": "*"

to the require section of your application's composer.json file.


  • Configure the HttpSoapClient component in your application's configuration file, for example:
'components' => [
    'soapApi' => [
        'class'    => 'nyx\http\soap\HttpSoapClient',
        'endpoint' => 'http://ws.exemple.com/WebService.asmx?wsdl',
        'options'  => [
            'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE

Or you can define the HttpSoapClient directly in your code:

use nyx\http\soap\HttpSoapClient;

$client = new HttpSoapClient(['endpoint' => 'http://ws.exemple.com/WebService.asmx?wsdl']);

After the configuration step is compleate, you can call the SOAP methods as follow (where getMessage is your SOAP method):

echo $client->getMessage('Lorem ipsum...');


yii2-http-soap-client is released under the BSD 3-Clause License. See the bundled LICENSE.md for details.
