
A Neos package for users to reset their password withing the frontend.

2.0.3 2024-03-05 08:12 UTC


Allow users to reset their password withing the frontend.


$ composer require networkteam/neos-passwordreset
$ ./flow doctrine:migrate


Overwrite the template paths to point to your own Templates. These can be copies from the original ones. They are lend by the great project from

        - Networkteam.Neos.FrontendLogin:Frontend
      senderAddress: ''
        noAccountMailHtml: 'resource://Networkteam.Neos.PasswordReset/Private/Templates/Mail/password-reset-help.html'
        noAccountMailTxt: 'resource://Networkteam.Neos.PasswordReset/Private/Templates/Mail/password-reset-help.txt'
        resetPasswordMailHtml: 'resource://Networkteam.Neos.PasswordReset/Private/Templates/Mail/password-reset-link.html'
        resetPasswordMailTxt: 'resource://Networkteam.Neos.PasswordReset/Private/Templates/Mail/password-reset-link.txt'

The configuration authenticationProviders is an array of providers a reset is possible for. When multiple providers are given the email address is tested for each provider and the first one an account is found for creates the mail.


To make the password change functionality work, you have to add the PasswordChange privilege (Networkteam.Neos.PasswordReset:PasswordChange) to the member area role. If you use the networkteam FrontendLogin package it looks as follows:


    abstract: true
      - privilegeTarget: 'Networkteam.Neos.PasswordReset:PasswordChange'
        permission: GRANT


This package provides signals for certain events.


Information flow

If the user requests a new Password an email ist sent to the given address. If no associated account could be found for the email address an email with this information is sent to inform the user that he probably used another email address for this account.

If an account was found, a token is generated to identify the request and an email is send to the user. The token is validated when the user clicks on the link in the email and submits the subsequently shown form with the new password.

Requirements / Short comings

The accounts need to have an email address as identifier aka. username. This is needed due to the nature of the underlying handling of electronic addresses in Neos. There should also be no accounts with the same email address and different authentication providers. This is possible but only for the first configured authentication provider a reset is possible.


To bring the forms in good shape for you application / website overwrite the fusion templates. There is one for each form / response.

  • RequestForm is the form initially shown to enter an email address
  • RequestAccepted is shown after an email was sent
  • ResetForm is the form shown to give the new password
  • ResetSucceeded is the fusion executed when the password reset is complete

As variables for the templates are available:

- node # the node the form was sent from
- email # the email provided in the form
- operating_system # a string from the referer
- browser_name # a string from the referer