n98 / magerun2-test-framework
Test-Framework for n98-magerun2 commands
2022-02-24 11:07 UTC
- php: >=7.3
Requires (Dev)
- mikey179/vfsstream: ^1.6
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9
This package contains some PHPUnit test cases.
The test runner requires a vanilla Magento 2 installation. To run test suite it's necessary to set the environment variable N98_MAGERUN2_TEST_MAGENTO_ROOT with the root path to the installation.
All unit tests run against this installation. Please don't use any production environment!
Test Module Commands
Example Test Case:
<?php namespace Acme\Example\Command; use N98\Magento\Command\PHPUnit\TestCase; use Symfony\Component\Console\Tester\CommandTester; class FooCommandTest extends TestCase { /** * @test */ public function testOutput() { /** * Load module config for unit test. In this case the relative * path from current test case. */ $this->loadConfigFile(__DIR__ . '/../../n98-magerun2.yaml'); /** * Test if command could be found */ $command = $this->getApplication()->find('foo'); /** * Call command */ $commandTester = new CommandTester($command); $commandTester->execute( [ ] ); } }
Test dev:console Commands
Code-Generating Command
Create a reference file which contains the content of the code generator. In the following test case the file is place in "DIR /_files/ExampleSomething.php".
The method mockWriterFileWriteFileAssertion
of the TestCase class mocks the module writer and compares the output against the reference file.
<?php namespace Acme\Example\Command\CodeGenerator; use N98\Magento\Command\Developer\Console\PHPUnit\TestCase; class MakeSomethingCommandTest extends TestCase { /** * @test */ public function testGenerator() { $command = new MakeSomethingCommand(); $commandTester = $this->createCommandTester($command); $command->setCurrentModuleName('Acme_Example'); $writerMock = $this->mockWriterFileWriteFileAssertion( __DIR__ . '/_files/ExampleSomething.php' ); $command->setCurrentModuleDirectoryWriter($writerMock); $commandTester->execute([ /* pass your parameters */ ]); } }
Run PHPUnit Tests
N98_MAGERUN2_TEST_MAGENTO_ROOT=/path/to/magento/root ./vendor/bin/phpunit
Example PHPUnit Configuration
Example module structure:
├── README.md
├── composer.json
├── n98-magerun2.yaml
├── phpunit.xml.dist
├── src
│ └── Command
│ └── ExampleCommand.php
└── tests
└── Command
└── ExampleCommandTest.php
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <phpunit xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="https://schema.phpunit.de/9.3/phpunit.xsd"> <coverage includeUncoveredFiles="true"> <include> <directory>src</directory> </include> </coverage> <testsuites> <testsuite name="n98-magerun2 Project Transfer Tools Commands"> <directory>tests</directory> </testsuite> </testsuites> </phpunit>
{ "name": "acme/example", "description": "Some commands", "require-dev": { "n98/magerun2": "^4", "n98/magerun2-test-framework": "^2", "phpunit/phpunit": "^9" }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Acme\\Example\\": "tests" } }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Acme\\Example\\": "src" } } }