
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the mschop/notee package instead.

html generation library



v1.1.2 2017-09-29 16:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-09-16 09:54:06 UTC


PHP HTML generation library.

What is NoTeePHP

NoTeePHP is an alternative to template engines that focuses on security and correctness.

Advantages of NoTeePHP:

  • more secure
  • less error-prone
  • easier setup (no compile step)
  • debuggable
  • testable
  • immutable node tree (unlimited node reuse)
  • register events


Install NoTeePHP with composer.

composer install mschop/noteephp

That's it.

Basic Usage

This is a tiny example:

$nf = new NodeFactory(new DefaultEscaper('utf-8'), new UriValidator());

function getItems use ($nf)()
    $result = [];
    for($x = 1; $x < 10; $x++) {
        $result[] = $nf->li('item ' . $x);
    return $result;

$root = $nf->div(
    ['class' => 'a b c'],
        ['title' => 'hypertext markup language'],
        $nf->li('item 0'),


This would produce the following result:

<div class="a b c">
    <abbr title="hypertext markup language">html</abbr>
        <li>item 0</li>
        <li>item 1</li>
        <li>item 2</li>
        <li>item 3</li>
        <li>item 4</li>
        <li>item 5</li>
        <li>item 6</li>
        <li>item 7</li>
        <li>item 8</li>


Many template engines do not offer escaping by default. The developer must remember to escape every information used in a template. The problem is that a developer escapes 100 times properly and then forgets it once. NoTeePHP has escaping by default.

Other template engines like Twig offer escaping by default. But even in Twig you can have XSS vulnerabilies in some special cases. Imagine you want to create an anchor, starting with a dynamic value. A naive developer could think that relying on Twigs escaping is enough:

<a href="{{ }}">click me</a>

Now an attacker could just create an account with the username "javascript:alert(1)" and you have the exploit.

NoTeePHP creates an object tree instead of concatenating strings. Therefore it knows, in which context a variable is used and can therefore use proper escaping or additional validation for variables.

Less error-prone

Syntax errors can cause hard to find bugs in your application. With NoTeePHP you will not face such problems. Never again have enclosing tag errors or missing quotes. Always get well formatted HTML.


Template engines compiles the templates to plain PHP. This PHP is most often hard to read and therefore hard to debug. With NoTeePHP you don't have such compile step. This simplifies setup, increases security and enables easy debugging by default.


Create a NodeFactory

The NodeFactory class is the pivot of NoTeePHP.

// using the right encoding is security relevant
$nf = new NodeFactory(new DefaultEscaper('utf-8'), new UriValidator());

Node creation

$node = $nf->div(
    ['id' => 'someid'], // optional assoc array, containing all attributes
    'some text, that will be escaped',
    $nf->raw('some text, that will not be escaped'),
    $this->span(), // nodes without children will be self-closing tags -> <span />
    [ // children can be passed as arrays for using the result of other methods

echo $node;


If you need to modify the node tree in some cases, you can can register a subscriber to the node factory:

$nf = new NodeFactory(new DefaultEscaper('utf-8'), new UriValidator());

class CsrfTokenAdder implements SubscriberInterface
    public function notify(NodeFactory $nodeFactory, DefaultNode $node): DefaultNode
        if ($node->getTagName() !== 'form') return;
        $attributes = $node->getAttributes();
        $method = strtolower($attributes['method'] ?? 'get');
        $children = $node->getChildren();
        if (!isSecure($method)) {
            $children[] = $nodeFactory->input(['type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'csrf_token', 'value' => getCsrfToken()])
        return new DefaultNode(

$nf->subscribe(new CsrfTokenAdder());


If you need to know, where a specific node is coming from, enable debug mode for the NodeFactory:

$nf = new NodeFactory(new DefaultEscaper('utf-8'), new UriValidator(), true);

Now every for every generated html node, an attribute "data-source" will contain the source file and line of the node. You should disable debug mode in production.

Short Syntax

You can also use a shorter syntax that relies on global state. As global state is ugly and not recommended in normal cases, this feature is not enabled by default. To enable it, you need to manually include the file global.php.

global $noTeePHP; // this global variable is require for including global.php
$noTeePHP = new NodeFactory(new DefaultEscaper('utf-8'), new UriValidator());
require '{pathToVendorDir}/mschop/NoTeePHP/global.php';

Now you can create nodes by simply calling function (which is shorter to write):

    ['id' => 'some-id'],
    _a(['href' => '', 'Link to the best lib on the world'])