
A PHP task runner inspired by Make, Rake et al.

v1.1.4 2016-06-17 12:37 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-01 00:14:29 UTC


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A PHP task runner inspired by Make, Rake et al.

Installation and Usage

Installing phake globally

composer global require molovo/phake

# Ensure ~/.composer/vendor/bin is in your path, then in a directory
# with a Phakefile, run:
phake task

Installing per Project:

composer require molovo/phake

vendor/bin/phake task

Installing ZSH Completion

Rename the file phake.zsh-completion to _phake, and move it somewhere in your $fpath. /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/ is usually a good choice.


Default Task

Create a file called Phakefile in the root of your project. This is just a simple PHP file. The first task you should define is called default. This is the task that is performed if you run phake without any arguments.

For now, we'll use it to execute a simple shell command by passing it a string:


task('default', 'echo "Hello World!"');

Now you can run phake in the same directory as your Phakefile, and you will see Hello World! printed to the console.

Naming tasks

The first parameter is the name of the task.


task('my_awesome_task', 'echo "Doing awesome things..."');

To run that task, run phake my_awesome_task.

Multiple commands

Most tasks in phake will perform more than one simple shell command. To do that, pass an array of commands as the second parameter.


task('test', [
  'echo "Starting Tests"',
  'echo "Tests finished."'

Using closures

Tasks can also contain a PHP closure, so that you can include PHP logic in your tasks. Phake uses Composer for autoloading, so that your entire project's PHP code is available to you.


task('php_example', function () {
  my_php_function(); // Your PHP code is available here

Running other tasks

If you use the PHP callback method, you can call other tasks from within your tasks's callback. Just use the run() helper.


task('task_one', 'echo "Hello World!"');

task('task_two', function () {


Groups can be defined using the group() helper. Just use the task() helper inside the group's closure, and the task will automagically be assigned to that group.


group('my_group', function() {
  task('task_one', 'echo "Task One!"');
  task('task_two', 'echo "Task Two!"');

You can run an individual task by calling phake group:task, or run all tasks in the group by calling phake group.

phake my_group
# Output:
#   Task One!
#   Task Two!

phake my_group:task_one
# Output:
#   Task One!

Groups can be nested indefinitely, and running a group will run all tasks and groups within that group.


group('group', function() {
  task('first_task', 'echo "I\'m in the parent group"');

  group('subgroup', function() {
    task('second_task', 'echo "I\'m in the subgroup"');
phake group
# Ouptut:
#   I'm in the parent group
#   I'm in the subgroup

Running multiple tasks

Each argument to phake is a task, and multiple tasks can be run by simply passing them all to phake. Based on the groups example above, this would give the same results as phake group:

phake group:first_task group:subgroup:second_task
# Ouptut:
#   I'm in the parent group
#   I'm in the subgroup


By default phake looks for a Phakefile in the directory in which it is called. To use a custom directory, pass a path to the --dir (-d) option.

phake --dir=/path/to/root
phake -d/path/to/root

To use a different filename, or a Phakefile outside of the directory, use the --phakefile (-f) option.

phake --phakefile=/your/custom/file
phake -f/your/custom/file

To list all tasks or groups in a Phakefile, use the --tasks or --groups options.

phake --tasks
phake --groups

To hide any output produced by your tasks, use the --quiet (-q) option.

phake --quiet