
Custom Laravel application utilities.

v1.2.0 2015-01-02 21:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 05:55:42 UTC


This package contains custom Laravel application utilities to make installation, configuration, and management of Laravel 4 applications easier and less time consuming.

The changes made by this package are highly opinionated and are not suitable for everyone.

Installation Via Composer

Download this installer using Composer.

$ composer global require "mmanos/laravel-utilities=~1.0"

Make sure to place the ~/.composer/vendor/bin directory in your PATH so the mmanos-laravel executable is found when you run the mmanos-laravel command in your terminal.

Simply add this directory to your PATH in your ~/.bash_profile (or ~/.bashrc):

export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH

Once installed, the simple mmanos-laravel global composer command will be available to run the project commands listed below.

Updates Via Composer

To keep this package up to date:

$ composer global update mmanos/laravel-utilities


To remove this package, you edit ~/.composer/composer.json and then run:

$ composer global update


Run the commands below to initialize and/or modify Laravel 4 applications.


Create a fresh Laravel installation with dependencies in the directory you specify. This command also make's the app/storage/* directories writable.

$ mmanos-laravel new [directory]

For instance, mmanos-laravel new blog would create a directory named blog containing a fresh Laravel installation.

Note: This runs the composer create-project command to check out the latest version of Laravel and install it's dependencies.


Prepare a fresh version of Laravel by adding helpful functionality. This command will do the following:

  • Create app/classes directory and autoload it
  • Configure local environment detection
  • Install helper functions file
  • Configure event callbacks
  • Configure the HTTP Exceptions handler
  • Enable sending of custom headers in response
  • Set app timezone to America/Chicago
  • Configure a common site/company name for use throughout the app
  • Create a custom model class for other models to extend
  • Ignore local config files in Git
  • Add Carbon class alias
$ mmanos-laravel prepare

Note: Run from the base directory of the Laravel application.

Front End

Configure an existing Laravel application with helpful front-end functionality. This command will do the following:

  • Create assets directory structure
  • Install package laravel-casset
  • Install package bootstrap
  • Install package jquery
  • Install library Font Awesome
  • Enable IE8 responsive css support (via html5shiv.js and respond.js)
  • Create a default layout
  • Configure default controllers and views
  • Create a default email layout
$ mmanos-laravel frontend

Note: Run from the base directory of the Laravel application.


Configure an existing Laravel application with authorization functionality. This command will do the following:

  • Create user migrations, models, services, validators, and event handlers
  • Create an auth controller along with it's resources
  • Create a signup controller along with it's resources
  • Install ACL functionality built on the zendframework/zend-permissions-acl package
$ mmanos-laravel authorize

Note: Run from the base directory of the Laravel application.