
Package that enables the communication with BORICA via their API

1.1 2017-12-13 22:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 02:30:47 UTC


This is a simple implementation of the BORICA API for adding payments with their service.


Pull from Composer:

composer require mirovit/borica-api

How to use

One way would be to new up a version of Mirovit\Borica\Factory, which accepts Mirovit\Borica\Request and Mirovit\Borica\Response as constructor arguments. Or just use the the Request and Response classes individually.

The Request as its name suggests is responsible for generating the URLs for request to the Borica API - possible requests are: register transaction, check status of transaction, register delayed transaction request, complete a delayed transaction request, reverse delayed transaction request and reverse a partially or the full sum from a registered transaction.


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$factory = new Factory(
    new Request('<terminal id from BORICA>', '<private key signed from BORICA>', '<private key password (optional)>', '<language (optional - BG or EN)>', '<debug (optional, whether you're testing or accepting payments)>'),
    new Response('<public certificate from BORICA>')

Registering of a transaction

        ->amount('1') // 1 EUR
        ->orderID(1) // Unique identifier in your system
        ->description('testing the process') // Short description of the purchase (up to 125 chars)
        ->currency('EUR') // The currency of the payment
        ->register(); // Type of the request

Check status of a transaction

        ->amount('1') // 1 EUR
        ->orderID(1) // Unique identifier in your system
        ->description('testing the process') // Short description of the purchase (up to 125 chars)
        ->currency('EUR') // The currency of the payment
        ->status(); // Type of the request

Reverse a transaction

        ->amount('1') // 1 EUR - partial reversal (amount less than the original), full reversal the original amount
        ->orderID(1) // Unique identifier in your system
        ->reverse(); // Type of the request

Using with Laravel 5

Create a service provider as the one below and register it with the app. You can either add it to the config/app.php or register it in Providers/AppServiceProvider.php.


namespace App\Providers;

use Mirovit\Borica\Factory;
use Mirovit\Borica\Request;
use Mirovit\Borica\Response;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class BoricaServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider

     * Register the service provider.
     * @return void
    public function register()
        $this->app->bind(Request::class, function(){
            return new Request(env('BORICA_TERMINAL_ID'), 'path/to/private.key', '',  app()->getLocale());

        $this->app->bind(Response::class, function(){
            return new Response('path/to/public.cer');

        $this->app->bind(Factory::class, function(){
            return new Factory(app(Request::class), app(Response::class));
        }, true);


If you'd like to contribute, feel free to send a pull request!