
A simple test helper for Slim Framework 3

v0.0.1 2022-06-24 15:55 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-24 22:31:23 UTC


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A simple test helper for Slim Framework 3

The repository has some example in tests folder. app.php is a definition use simple Slim router, SlimCaseTest.php is testing for SlimCase class, and ClientTest.php is testing for Client class. You can use Client If you want to use PHPUnit style to write test, or use SlimCase in Codeception style.

Installation with Composer

$ composer require --dev mileschou/slim-test

Using object in PHPUnit

First, prepare your Slim App in test code and pass to SlimCase constructor.

use MilesChou\Slim\Test\SlimCase;

class SlimAppTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function setUp()
        $app = require 'path/to/app.php';
        $this->slimCase = new SlimCase($app);

Now, you can use Codeception Style to make assertion.

public function testSeeResponseOk()
    // Arrange
    $url = '/will/return/ok';

    // Act

    // Assert

The visibility of Client object in SlimCase is public. That means you can use Client like


It's unsafe to access client object directly. The visibility will modify to private in the future.

Using trait in PHPUnit

You can use ClientTrait or SlimCaseTrait in PHPUnit, too. Here is an example:

use MilesChou\Slim\Test\SlimCaseTrait;

class SlimAppTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    use SlimCaseTrait;

    public function setUp()
        $app = require 'path/to/app.php';

    public function tearDown()

    public function testSeeResponseOk()
        // Arrange
        $url = '/will/return/ok';

        // Act

        // Assert

Using in Behat

It's easy to using Slim Test in Behat. For example, I have a feature file

# features/app.feature
Feature: an example testing use behat

  Scenario: Test assert response is okay
    Given a route named "/will/return/ok"
    When visit "/will/return/ok"
    Then I should see response okay

And implement context file easily

// features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php
use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;
use Behat\Behat\Context\SnippetAcceptingContext;
use MilesChou\Slim\Test\SlimCaseTrait;

class FeatureContext implements Context, SnippetAcceptingContext
    use SlimCaseTrait;

    public function __construct()
        // bootstrap your slim app
        $app = require __DIR__ . '/../../app.php';

    /** @Given a route named :url */
    public function aRouteNamed($url) { /** Do nothing */ }

    /** @When visit :url */
    public function visit($url)

    /** @Then I should see response okay */
    public function iShouldSeeResponseOkay()


Execute all test suite use PHPUnit and Behat

$ php vendor/bin/phpunit
$ php vendor/bin/behat

You can use composer scripts, too

$ composer test

Run PHP built-in server if you want to check HTTP response via browser

$ php -S -t public


The Slim Test is licensed under the MIT license. See License File for more information.