
Laravel object based view templates

0.2 2015-11-28 12:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-16 17:31:36 UTC




PHP 5.5 / Laravel 5.0/5.1

Install / Setup

Using composer: composer.phar require mfn/laravel-view-obj 0.1

Register the service provider in your config/app.php by adding this line to your providers entry: Mfn\Laravel\ViewObj\Provider::class

Publish the configuration:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mfn\Laravel\ViewObj\Provider"


This package leverages an objects class hierarchy to turn it into a path for a view template, i.e. if you want to "view" an object of type App\Article, the provided helper view_obj() will try to render the view _view_obj.App.Article.default which usually maps to your path <PROJECT_ROOT>/resources/views/_view_obj/App/Article/default.php (or default.blade.php). The object itself will be passed to that view as $obj.

Conceptually you can think of it as a partial, where the name of the view is derived from the objects class hierarchy. Views itself can be hierarchically organized by virtue of the filesystem, so can classes. This package re-uses that information for views.

The idea is that an object has different representations, depending on the context. By default the context is "default" (...), but if you want to render $article as part of a list, you create an appropriate list template and call the helper with @view_obj($article, 'list'). So, ideally, all variants how App/Article is going to be represented in the system are in this one directory, _view_obj/App/Article/.

The signature of the helper is:

view_obj(object $object, string $template = 'default', array $data = []): View

  • object $object
    Any object you want to render. Can be a Model or just about anything, as long as you created a view template for it in the appropriate location

  • string $template
    The actual view of that object. The concept is that depending on the context you want to render the object, you may want to use a different view.

  • array $data
    Any data you want to pass in addition to the template. Except the note below, the view will only receive explicitly passed variables. Note: the object itself is always available as $obj.

  • returns a View object.

For Blade, the directive @view_obj is provided with the same signature but it will already echo the returned View, whereas in pure PHP code you receive a View object and need act on it yourself (e.g. echo ... or ->__toString()).

For convenience sake, the helper just accepts (object $object, array $data), i.e. you can omit the $template for the default case.


In the most simple case, show the default view of the object. Assuming the class App\Article, we first create the default template in resources/views/_view_obj/App/Article/default.blade.php:

  • resources/views/ is the default location for Laravel applications
  • _view_obj/ is the (default) configured "prefix" for all view templates derived from objects
  • App/Article/ reflects the class hierarchy
  • default is the "default" when showing an object without specifying it's template.
  • .blade.php is just the default Laravel extensin for Blade; could be .php for pure PHP templates.

Example of such a view:

Note: the object we render always gets passed as $obj

<h1>{{ $obj->title }}</h1>
{{ $obj->content }}

Anywhere in a view where you pass on the article, you can invoke the view with:


We now assume you want to render the article as part of a list, i.e. you have an array of articles. We first create a list template for the article in resources/views/_view_obj/App/Article/list.blade.php. We usually only display the link/title in the list:

  <a href="{{ URL::route('article', [$obj->id]) }}">
    {{ $obj->title }}

Now using the list view:

@foreach ($articles as $article)
    @view_obj($article, 'list');


  • base_path: Defaults to _view_obj. and specifies the prefix for all object template specific views. If you don't want this separation, just set it to an empty string.


Fork it, hack on a feature branch, create a pull request, be awesome!

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© Markus Fischer