
Validate arguments against a list of parameters

0.2 2015-11-28 12:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-16 17:37:30 UTC




This library can be used to validate parameter definitions against a list of arguments.

The following PHP types are supported out of the box:

  • array
  • any Use for, well, any kind of type (aliased as mixed)
  • bool|boolean
  • callable Suports for the ['class', 'method'] syntax. For closures simply use the \Closure type hint
  • float|double|real
  • int|integer
  • number (either float or integer)
  • numeric (either int or string, if it represents a number)
  • object
  • resource Supports requiring a resource of a specific type with resource<type>, e.g. for files you can use resource<stream>
  • string
  • any classname you provide


  • Optional types are supported by prefixing with a question mark: ?@var. This syntax was chosen to not break IDE support, e.g. PhpStorm et al.
  • Classes instanceof validation is performed too, just write the full qualified class name, i.e. Class or Namespace\Class. See later note on fully qualified symbol names.
  • Typed arrays, e.g. array<string> or string[] as well as types for keys and values, i.e. array<int,string>
  • Support alternative types, e.g. int|string

The philosophy of the type checker is to strictly check the arguments, no type coercion magic is performed.

Note about classes and the leading backslash:

This library expects the docblock to have been "normalized", in a sense that all symbol names are fully qualified without a leading backslash. "Fully qualified" also means they're already resolved against the namespace and possibly use aliases. See for a library which can to all this.


PHP 5.6


Using composer: composer.phar require mfn/argument-validation 0.1


use Mfn\ArgumentValidation\ExtractFromDocblock;
use Mfn\ArgumentValidation\ArgumentValidation;

$docblock = <<<'DOCBLOCK'
 * @var array $someArray
 * @var bool $isCool

$parameters = (new ExtractFromDocblock)->extract($docblock);

$arguments = [
    'someArray' => [],
    'isCool' => 'foobar',

$errors = (new ArgumentValidation)->validate($parameters, $arguments);


This script will output:

array(1) {
  string(86) "Argument $isCool does not match type 'bool': Expected instance of bool but received string"

Create your own types

  • implement \Mfn\ArgumentValidation\Interfaces\TypeInterface

    • the getName() and getAliases() returns string (array of strings) under which your type will be registered. This is the literal name/type which must be present in a type declaration.
  • create an instance of \Mfn\ArgumentValidation\ArgumentValidation and register the type either via registerType() or registerTypeAs()

Three arguments are passed to your validate() method:

  • \Mfn\ArgumentValidation\Interfaces\TypeValidatorInterface so you can call additional validations from your type, if necessary
  • \Mfn\ArgumentValidation\Interfaces\TypeDescriptionParserInterface a description of an inner type (may be empty, see isEmpty() method)
  • The actual $value to inspect

If your validation deems there's an error, throw a \Mfn\ArgumentValidation\Exceptions\TypeError


  • nested arrays with key/value types are not supported, i.e. array<int,array<int,string>> will not be properly parsed


Fork it, hack on a feature branch, create a pull request, be awesome!

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© Markus Fischer