
Creates a fake Wordpress XMLRPC Server for use with IFTTT to do anything you want.

v1.0.0 2015-05-07 19:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-07-19 00:58:52 UTC


This IFTTT webhook is a bit different than some of the other ones available. This is a generic abstract class that is meant to be extended to provide the functionality you want. You're not pidgeon-holed into calling another API, you can do all of the work right here.

This class works by taking advantage of the IFTTT Wordpress channel. That channel operates over the XML-RPC protocol, so we simply fool IFTTT into thinking that our custom XML-RPC server is a Wordpress install and then we can send whatever data we like to it.

See the examples folder for a JSONPost class that takes the data received from IFTTT and turns around and calls 1 or more JSON API's.

You can use this project in one of two ways

If you are integrating it into an existing project, simply require it in your composer.json file and then extend the Webhook\Server and implement the webhook method.

composer require mattzuba/php-ifttt-xmlrpc

If you are making a standalone project, you can use the composer create-project function to more-or-less clone this repo down and build on top of it.

composer create-project mattzuba/php-ifttt-xmlrpc /your/path/to/project

© 2015 Matt Zuba