massimo-filippi / slack-module
ZF3 module for Slack communication
- php: ^5.6 || ^7.0
- maknz/slack: ^1.7
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-02 06:41:54 UTC
ZF3 module for Slack communication
There will be more info soon...
1. Install via Composer
Install the latest stable version via Composer:
composer require massimo-filippi/slack-module
Install the latest develop version via Composer:
composer require massimo-filippi/slack-module:dev-master
2. Enable module in your application
Composer should enable MassimoFilippi\SlackModule
in your project automatically during installation.
In case it does not, you can enable module manually by adding value 'MassimoFilippi\SlackModule'
to array in file config/modules.config.php
. At the end, it should look like PHP array below.
<?php return [ 'Zend\Router', 'Zend\Validator', 'MassimoFilippi\SlackModule', // Add this line, ideally before Application module. 'Application', ];
3. Set up your configuration
You have to set settings for SlackService, otherwise you will not be able to use it.
Here is what I have in my config/autoload/local.php
<?php return [ 'massimo_filippi' => [ 'slack_module' => [ 'config' => [ 'webhook_url' => '', // Whether names like @regan should be converted into links by Slack, default: false 'link_names' => false, // Whether Slack should unfurl links to text-based content, default: false 'unfurl_links' => false, // Whether Slack should unfurl links to media content such as images and YouTube videos, default: true 'unfurl_media' => true, // Whether message text should be interpreted in Slack's Markdown-like language. For formatting options, see Slack's help article:, default: true 'allow_markdown' => true, // Which attachment fields should be interpreted in Slack's Markdown-like language. By default, Slack assumes that no fields in an attachment should be formatted as Markdown. // default: [] 'markdown_in_attachments' => [], // Allow Markdown in just the text and title fields //// 'markdown_in_attachments' => ['text', 'title'] // Allow Markdown in all fields //// 'markdown_in_attachments' => ['pretext', 'text', 'title', 'fields', 'fallback'] 'defaults' => [ // default username, set to null to use the default set on the Slack webhook, default: null 'username' => 'Slack module', // default channel, channel: #general, user: @john.doe, set to null to use the default set on the Slack webhook, default: null 'channel' => '#general', // URL to an image or Slack emoji like :ghost: or :+1:, set null to use the default set on the Slack webhook, default: null 'icon' => null ], ], ], ], ];
Somewhere in business logic classes.
<?php use Maknz\Slack\Message as SlackMessage; use MassimoFilippi\SlackModule\Model\Attachment as SlackAttachment; /** @var SlackMessage $slackMessage */ $slackMessage = $this->slackService->createMessage(); $slackMessage->to('#general') ->from('John Doe') ->withIcon(':ghost:') ->setText('This is an amazing message!'); /** @var SlackAttachment $slackAttachment */ $slackAttachment = $this->slackService->createAttachment([ 'fallback' => 'Some fallback text', 'text' => 'The attachment text' ]); $slackMessage->attach($slackAttachment); try { // Injected MassimoFilippi\SlackModule\Service\SlackService. $this->slackService->sendMessage($slackMessage); } catch (\Exception $exception) { var_dump($exception->getMessage()); }
Create message:
Create attachment:
- See Slack documentation:
Create attachment field:
- See Slack documentation:
Create attachment action:
- See Slack documentation:
More resources
- Slack - Messages:
- Slack - Message attachments:
- Slack - Message guidelines:
- Slack - Message builder: