
Translation package for database storage of translations

2.1.18 2020-04-26 13:01 UTC


PHP db translations engine

The package is also available in packagist: "maniakalen/yii2-dbtranslate"

To enable the module inside the yii2 you need to define the module in the main config module part:

'translations' => [
    'class' => 'maniakalen\i18n\Module'

You also need to add the module key to the bootstrap list:

'bootstrap' => [..., 'translations'],

Then you will need to run the module migrations

yii migrate/up --migrationPath="@translations/migrations/"

The categories are automatically registered in the translation system when module is bootstrapped.

In project when you have translations in database you can retreive by using:

Yii::t('<category>', '<label>');

Admin interface can be configured for Menu widget for example as:

    'label' => function() { return Yii::t('yii', 'Translations control'); },
    'url' => ['/translations/admin/languages'],
    'visible' => function() { return Yii::$app->user->can('backend/translations/access'); },
    'active' => function(ActionEvent $event) {
        return strpos($event->action->getUniqueId(), 'translations/admin') === 0;
    'items' => [
            'label' => function() { return Yii::t('yii', 'Languages control'); },
            'url' => ['/translations/admin/languages'],
            'active' => function(ActionEvent $event) {
                return strpos($event->action->getUniqueId(), 'languages') !== false;
            'label' => function() { return Yii::t('yii', 'Translations control'); },
            'url' => ['/translations/admin/translations'],
            'active' => function(ActionEvent $event) {
                return strpos($event->action->getUniqueId(), 'admin/translations') !== false;

But you will need to provide the functionality to execute the inline callback methods. For example I use a class like MenuBehavior which has a beforeAction event and parses this configuration to a correct Menu config.

TODO: Include module for modal confirmation window