Simple applicative cron API

1.0.1 2023-05-22 13:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-08 17:41:56 UTC


Simple applicative cron task implementation.

How it works:

  • You as the library user register callables as being cron tasks, using a descriptive attribute.

  • It can be any callable, a function, an anonymous function, an instance method, a class static method or an invokable class instance.

  • You need to setup a system cron entry for running the applicative cron, depending upon your framework, using Symfony a CLI command is provided. This tick must run very often, such as every minute.

  • When the cron runs, for each registered task, it checks its schedule againsts the current sytem date.

  • For each matching schedule, it checks first for the configured minimum delay between two run and excludes tasks which have been run too recently.

  • For each remaining non excluded task, it runs it, and store the latest run data long error message and error trace if any error occured.

Simply put, it takes a task list, test each task schedule against current date, and run it when it matches.

State is per default kept in memory during runtime, then discarded. Future implementations will allow you to store it within PDO and maybe other backends.

State when persisted allows the user to change task schedule without changing the code. Schedule is always stored as a raw string which allows alternative implementations to exist.

Default schedule implementation accepts incomplete POSIX cron expression but only with single digit values. An alternative implementation can use dragonmantank/cron-expression for a more complete POSIX cron expression.


  • makinacorpus/goat-query state store implementation,
  • PDO state store implementation,
  • unit test Symfony integration,
  • logging using psr/log everything everywhere,
  • add scheduler implementation using dragonmantank/cron-expression,
  • cron task list and detailed information restitution command,
  • meaningful information display via console commands.

How to use

First, install it:

composer require makinacorpus/cron

Then proceed with one of the following.


Configuring cron tasks

First, create some cron methods:

namespace MyVendor\MyApp\Cron;

use MakinaCorpus\Cron\CronTask;

// Using a function.
#[CronTask(id: 'foo', schedule: '1 2 3 4 5')]
function foo(): void
    // Do something.

// Using an invokable class.
#[CronTask(id: 'bar', schedule: '@daily')]
class Bar
    public function __invoke(): mixed
        // Do something.

// Using an instance method.
class Buzz
    #[CronTask(id: 'buzz', schedule: '@monthly')]
    public function someMethod(): void

// Using a static class method.
class Fizz
    #[CronTask(id: 'fizz', schedule: '@weekly')]
    public function someMethod(): void

Then create a task registry:

namespace MyVendor\MyApp\Command;

use MakinaCorpus\Cron\TaskRegistry\ArrayTaskRegistry;
use MyVendor\MyApp\Cron\Bar;
use MyVendor\MyApp\Cron\Buzz;
use MyVendor\MyApp\Cron\Fizz;

$taskRegistry = new ArrayTaskRegistry([
    new Bar(),
    [new Buzz(), 'someMethod']
    [Fizz::class, 'someMethod'],

Running it

Then, create a runner and execute it, this is basically the piece of code you need to have in your CLI script that executes the cron:

namespace MyVendor\MyApp\Command;

use MakinaCorpus\Cron\CronRunner;

// $taskRegistry is the instance you created upper.

$runner = new CronRunner($taskRegistry);

And that's it.

Per default, schedule is forgiving, you may run this script only every 2 or 3 minutes, cron rules will match in a 5 minutes time span after their due date to avoid missing running them.



Start by adding the bundle to the config/bundles.php file:

return [
    // Other bundles.
    MakinaCorpus\Cron\Bridge\Symfony\CronBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Configuring cron tasks

Create some services that have cron task methods, it can litteraly be any class or service, the only requirement is to set the CronTask attribute over the targeted methods:

namespace MyVendor\MyApp\Cron;

use MakinaCorpus\Cron\CronTask;

// Using an instance method.
class SomeClassWithCronTaskMethods
    #[CronTask(id: 'buzz', schedule: '@monthly')]
    public function someInstanceMethod(): void

    #[CronTask(id: 'buzz', schedule: '@monthly')]
    public static function someStaticMethod(): void

Using the makinacorpus/argument-resolver dependency, considering you installed and configured the provided bundle, your methods can have other services as parameters, they will be injected at runtimme.

Make sure they are services in config/services.yaml or via any other service registration method:

        autoconfigure: true

And that's it.


Configuring schedule implementation

Default implementation

Default implementation if configuration is left untouched supports incomplete POSIX cron expressions, where parts can only be single digits.

For a lot of applications, this is more than enough.

You don't need to configure anything since this is the default.


First install it:

composer require dragonmantank/cron-expression

Then, during your application bootstrap, call:

use MakinaCorpus\Cron\ScheduleFactoryRegistry;
use MakinaCorpus\Cron\Schedule\CronExpressionScheduleFactory;

ScheduleFactoryRegistry::set(new CronExpressionScheduleFactory());

And use this API as you would normally do.


Commands are available when using it as a Symfony bundle, but nothing prevents you from setting up and using those outside of the Symfony full stack framework usage.

Run all cron tasks (that should run every minute)

Set this in your system cron, or supervisord, or any other orchestrator application:

crontab -e

# Run every minute
* * * * * /symfony/project/path/bin/console cron:run

You can run it manually as well:

bin/console cron:run

Force run a single cron task

Simply call the same command, adding the cron task identifier as first argument:

bin/console cron:run my_cron_task_id

Task configuration

Set a minimum interval

Write me.

Running tests

Core tests

Simply run PHPUnit:

composer install

Database related tests will be skipped due to the lack of configuration.

Database related tests

This uses docker compose for spawning a database environement:

cd sys/

This is experimental, it should work.