
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

TDD helpers for PHP 5.2

2.4.5 2014-10-01 12:46 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2015-12-05 10:25:03 UTC


The packages provides two adapters for globally defined functions and variables and a static mocker class.
The adapters answer to my need for a way to apply TDD techiques to WordPress plugin and theme development.


Functions adapter

Wraps call to globally defined functions in a method call. If some_function is a function defined in the global scope then a call to it could be made using the adapter like

$adapter = new tad_FunctionsAdapter();
$var = $adapter->some_function();

the adapter uses an interface for more flexible mocking in tests like

$mockF = $this->getMock('tad_FunctionsAdapterInterface');

Globals adapter

Allows superglobals to be accessed via an object method fashion.
Usage example to access $GLOBALS['foo'] is

$g = new tad_GlobalsAdapter();
$foo = $g->globals('foo');

To get the superglobal array call the function with no arguments, i.e. to get the $_SERVER array

$g = new tad_GlobalsAdapter();

Static Mocker

A test helper to mock (in a way and with limits) static method calls.
Tested class should allow for class name injection like

public function __construct($var1, $var2, $util = 'StaticClass')
    $this->util = $util;

    $var = $this->util::doSomething();

and then in the test file

class StaticClass extends tad_StaticMocker

class ClassNameTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function test_construct_calls_static_class_doSomething()
        // Create a stub for the SomeClass class.
        $stub = $this->getMock('SomeClass');

        // Configure the stub.


        $sut = new ClassName('some', 'var', 'StaticClass');

Testable objects

The abstract class tad_TestableObject is meant to be used as a parent class to any class that's meant to be developed using TDD techniques allowing for quicker mocking of one or more method dependencies. Testing a class like

class ClassOne{

    protected $d;

    public function __construct(D $d){
        $this->d = $d;

    public function methodOne(A $a, BInterface $b, CInterface $c){

would require mocking instances of the A and D classes and the BInterface and CInterface interfaces like

// file ClassOneTest.php

public function test_methodOne_will_call_methods(){
    $mockA = $this->getMock('A', array('method'));
    $mockBInterface = $this->getMock('BInterface', array('method'));
    $mockCInterface = $this->getMock('CInterface', array('method'));
    $mockD = $this->getMock('D', array('method'));


    $sut = new ClassOne($mockD);


The getMocks method defined in the tad_TestableObject class allows, given a DocBlock comments is in place, to rewrite the class to be tested adding DocBlock comments

class ClassOne extends tad_TestableObject {

    protected $d;

     * @depends D
    public function __construct(D $d){
        $this->d = $d;

     * @depends A, BInterface, CInterface
    public function methodOne(A $a, BInterface $b, CInterface $c){

and to rewrite the test method to

// file ClassOneTest.php

public function test_methodOne_will_call_methods(){

    $mockedDependencies = ClassOne::getMocksFor(array('__construct', 'methodOne'))     


    $sut = new ClassOne($mockedDependencies->$mockD);


alternatively mocks can be retrieved in an array using the getMocksArrayFor method like

// file ClassOneTest.php

public function test_methodOne_will_call_methods(){

    extract(ClassOne::getMocksArrayFor(array('__construct', 'methodOne')));


    $sut = new ClassOne($D);



All of the above mocking is possible on classes not extending the tad_TestableObject class as well using the tad_DependencyMocker class. Given a class has its DocBlocks set up as above but it's not extending the tad_TestableObject class:

class ClassOne {

    protected $d;

     * @depends D
    public function __construct(D $d){
        $this->d = $d;

     * @depends A, BInterface, CInterface
    public function methodOne(A $a, BInterface $b, CInterface $c){

Then its method dependencies can still be mocked like

// file ClassOneTest.php

public function test_methodOne_will_call_methods(){

    $extraMethods = array(
            'BInterface' => array('fooMethod', 'bazMethod'),
            'CInterface' => array('barMethod')

        ->forMethods(array('__construct', 'methodOne'))


    $sut = new ClassOne($D);



The class defines the following methods:

  • __construct($className, $methodNameOrArray, $extraMethods, $notation) - static, returns an instance of the class based on the specified class; aside for the $className all other arguments can be set later.
  • on($className, $methodNameOrArray, $extraMethods, $notation) - static, returns an instance of the class based on the specified class; aside for the $className all other arguments can be set later.
  • forMethods($methodNameOrArray) - sets the method or methods to be mocked by the class
  • setNotation($notation) - sets the notation to be used for reading method meta information from the documentation block, by default the notation used is "depends"
  • setExtraMethods($extraMethods) - sets an array of class/methods to be stubbed beside the ones the class already defines; in the example above BInterface gets two stubbed extra methods, fooMethod and bazMethod it would not implement.
  • getMocks() - gets a stdClass object defining each dependency as a property acessible via the property "->" notation.
  • getMocksArray() - gets an array containing each mocked dependency in a key/value pair.