
Queue, Queue items and Queueable objects for Charcoal

0.5.0 2020-09-16 18:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-15 02:47:00 UTC


Queue Managers, Queue Items and Queueable objects (through Interface & Trait) for Charcoal.

How to install

composer require locomotivemtl/charcoal-queue`


  • locomotivemtl/charcoal-core for the CollectionLoader
  • locomotivemtl/charcoal-factory for the queue-item factory.

Queueing System

Queue managers loop queue items. Queue items represent actions to be performed (as defined by the process() method).

Queue Manager

The queue manager is available as an abstract class: AbstractQueueManager. This class implements the QueueManagerInterface.

The processing speed (throttle) can be controlled via the rate property, in items per second.

The batch limit (number of items to process per iteration) can be controlled with the limit property.

The queue can be identified with the queue_id. It can be set with setQueueId().

The queue can be processed with processQueue(). If for any reason the items need to be loaded, it can be done with loadQueueItems().

There are 4 callbacks that can be defined:

  • setProcessedCallback()
  • setItemCallback()
  • setItemSuccessCallbak()
  • setItemFailureCallback()

There are only 1 abstract method:

  • queueItemProto() which must returns a QueueItemInterface instance

Queue Items

Queue Items should implement the QueueItemInterface. This can be helped via the QueueItemTrait.

Queue items can be identified with a queue_id. (The same queue_id used by the queue manager).

Items can be processed with process($callback, $successCallback, $failureCallback).

The queue item properties are:

  • queue_id
  • queue_item_data
  • queued_date
  • processing_date
  • processed_date
  • processed

Queuable Objects

The QueueableInterface defines objects that can be queued. This interface is really simple and only provides:

  • setQueueId() which can be inherited from QueueableTrait
  • queueId() (queue_id getter) which can be inherited from QueueableTrait
  • queue($ts = null) which is abstract and must be written inside class which implement the queueable interface


To install the development environment:

$ composer install --prefer-source

Run tests with

$ composer test

API documentation

Development dependencies

  • phpunit/phpunit
  • squizlabs/php_codesniffer
  • php-coveralls/php-coveralls

Continuous Integration

Service Badge Description
Travis Build Status Runs code sniff check and unit tests. Auto-generates API documentation.
Scrutinizer Scrutinizer Code Quality Code quality checker. Also validates API documentation quality.
Coveralls Coverage Status Unit Tests code coverage.
Sensiolabs SensioLabsInsight Another code quality checker, focused on PHP.

Coding Style

The Charcoal-Validator module follows the Charcoal coding-style:

Coding style validation / enforcement can be performed with composer phpcs. An auto-fixer is also available with composer phpcbf.



Charcoal is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.