
News for LocalGov Drupal

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Watchers: 8

Forks: 2

Open Issues: 17


2.3.9 2024-09-17 11:51 UTC


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LocalGov Drupal News

Provides the pages and navigation for presenting news articles. A part of the LocalGovDrupal distribution.

What is in it?

  • Content types:
    • News article - a single news article, optionally categorised;
    • Newsroom - a landing page to list and feature news articles.
  • Blocks:
    • News search form;
    • Facets - by default date and category.

Install process

  • Standard Drupal module installation process applies.

  • By default the search and facet blocks for news are shown in the view mode for the newsroom, and as blocks on all pages under the news/* path if you have the localgov_base theme installed. Alternatively, add, or change the configuration for, these three blocks from the Drupal block layout admin page.


  • Create a Newsroom
    • Create one, or more, newsrooms for articles to go into.
    • A newsroom has a field in which it is possible to select 3 featured articles.
    • The Featured News block shows up to 3 featured articles - if there are fewer than 3 explicitly featured articles the remainder will be filled by the latest promoted articles (if any).
    • The Article List block will show 10 articles per page, excluding those in the featured block.
    • The limits (3 and 10) can be changed in the localgov_news_list view on the all_news and featured_news displays.
  • Add news articles. By default:
    • The Categories field uses the LocalGov Topics vocabulary. Edit the field to use alternative or additional vocabularies.
    • Image is a required field - authors can upload a new image or select an image from the media library.
    • Article nodes are not promoted - see the Featured News section below.
    • Article aliases are: [node:localgov_newsroom:entity:url:relative]/[node:localgov_news_date:date:html_year]/[node:title] thus prefacing the path with that of their newsroom, followed by year and sanitised title.

Structured data

  • The Schema.org Metatag module is used to generate structured data for individual news articles. This is rendered as JSON LD in the <head> element.