
Drupal module for ModernGov template page generation.

1.0.0-beta2 2024-05-14 11:47 UTC


Drupal module for Modern.Gov template page generation.

Modern.Gov, when provided with a template page URL, fetches that template page at a regular interval. It then uses the template page to generate your instance of the Modern.Gov site.


This module serves the Modern.Gov template page from the /moderngov-template path. If you need a different path then please add a URL alias for /moderngov-template.

The template page has the the following ModernGov tokens embedded within:

  • {pagetitle} instead of the actual Drupal page title.
  • {breadcrumb} instead of the Drupal breadcrumb.
  • {content} instead of the page content.
  • {sidenav} instead of the second sidebar.

Both links and asset URLs in this Modern.Gov template page are rendered as absolute URLs which is a requirement for Modern.Gov template pages.

Page template

Most sites will need a customized Modern.Gov page template for their themes. The page template provided with this module is meant to serve as an example of how Modern.Gov tokens could be placed in a page template.

Good to know

  • ModernGov test URL. This sits behind HTTP authentication.
  • Any relative URL embedded within inline Javascript or script tags will not be converted to absolute URLs.
  • BigPipe functionality has been turned off. This is because this module is concerned about serving templates for anonymous users. This can be reviewed later if necessary.

Related templates

  • Empty page template at /moderngov-template?nocontent: Instead of ModernGov tokens, this template comes with an empty main HTML tag.
  • Header template at /moderngov-template?header: Everything inside the header HTML tag. Comes with asset links that preceed the header tag.
  • Footer template at /moderngov-template?footer: Everything inside the footer HTML tag. Joined by asset links that follow the footer tag.


This project is currently maintained by: