
MomentPHP is library for parsing, manipulating and formatting dates.

v1.1 2014-06-17 18:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-17 22:32:07 UTC


MomentPHP is library for parsing, manipulating and formatting dates. It's inspired by the JavaScript library Moment.js.


Is freely distributable under the terms of the GPL-3 license.


MomentPHP is available on Packagist, where you can get it via Composer.

File composer.json:

    "require": {
        "lawondyss/moment-php": "dev-master"

Run in command-line:

php composer.phar install



Get the current date and time:

$moment = new MomentPHP\MomentPHP();


Create from a string with date time. The string are acceptable same as for function strtotime (

$string = '1980-12-07';
$string = '7 December 1980';
$string = '+1 week 2 days 4 hours 2 seconds';
$string = 'next Thursday';

$moment = new MomentPHP\MomentPHP($string);


Create from a integer with timestamp. The integer is a number seconds from the Unix Epoch.

$integer = 345061302;
$integer = time();

$moment = new MomentPHP\MomentPHP($integer);


Create from a instance of the class DateTime (

$moment = new MomentPHP\MomentPHP(new DateTime());

String + Format

If the string is unrecognized or confusing, you can add its format. The format are same as for method DateTime::createFromFormat (

$string = '1980-07-12';
$format = 'Y-d-m';

$moment = new MomentPHP\MomentPHP($string, $format);

The format may be a field with more formats. Then use the first acceptable format.

$string = '1980-12-07';
$format = array('U', 'Y-m-d');

$moment = new MomentPHP\MomentPHP($string, $format);

Set Timezone

The Timezone is set via the third parameter to the constructor. Timezone may be string from a table with supported Timezones, or instance of the class DateTimeZone (

$timezone = 'Europe/Prague';
$timezone = new DateTimeZone('Europe/Prague');

$moment = new MomentPHP\MomentPHP(null, null, $timezone);


For examples we have:

$moment = new MomentPHP\MomentPHP('1980-12-07 19:21:42', null, 'Europe/Prague');


Return formating date time. Parameter is same as for function date (

var_dump( $moment->format('d/m/Y') ); // string(10) "07/12/1980"


Return number seconds from the Unix Epoch.

var_dump( $moment->timestamp() ); // int(345061302)

Partials from date time

var_dump( $moment->seconds() ); // string(2) "42"
// it`s same as
var_dump( $moment->second() );

var_dump( $moment->minutes() ); // string(2) "21"
// it's same as
var_dump( $moment->minute() );

var_dump( $moment->hours() ); // string(2) "19"
// it's same as
var_dump( $moment->hour() );

var_dump( $moment->days() ); // string(2) "07"
// it's same as
var_dump( $moment->day() );

var_dump( $moment->months() ); // string(2) "12"
// it's same as
var_dump( $moment->month() );

var_dump( $moment->years ); // string(4) "1980"
// ti's same as
var_dump( $moment->year() );

var_dump( $moment->weeks() ); //string(2) "49"
// it's same as
var_dump( $moment->week() );

// 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)
var_dump( $moment->dayOfWeek() ); // string(1) "7"

// starting from 1
var_dump( $moment->dayOfYear() ); // string(3) "342"

var_dump( $moment->nameOfDayShort() ); // string(3) "Sun"

var_dump( $moment->nameOfDayLong() ); // string(6) "Sunday"

var_dump( $moment->dayWithSuffix() ); // string(3) "7th"

var_dump( $moment->daysInMonth() ); // string(2) "31"

var_dump( $moment->nameOfMonthShort() ); // string(3) "Dec"

var_dump( $moment->nameOfMonthLong() ); // string(8) "December"

var_dump( $moment->hourWithSuffix() ); // string(3) "7PM"

var_dump( $moment->isoDate() ); // string(25) "1980-12-07T19:21:42+01:00"

var_dump( $moment->nameOfTimezone() ); // string(13) "Europe/Prague"

var_dump( $moment->timezoneOffset() ); // int(3600)


Get the difference in seconds.

$momentB = new MomentPHP('2000-01-01 00:00:00', 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 'Europe/Prague');
var_dump( $momentB->diff($moment) ); // int(601619898)

To get the difference in another unit of measurement, pass that measurement as the second argument. Acceptable units: sec, second, seconds, min, minute, minutes, hour, hours, day, days, month, months, year, years

var_dump( $momentB->diff($moment, 'months') ); // int(227)

By default return number rounded down. If you want the floating point number, pass TRUE as the third argument.

var_dump( $momentB->diff($moment, 'months', true) ); // double(227.81)


A common way of displaying time. This is sometimes called timeago or relative time.

$momentA = new MomentPHP('1980-12-07');
$momentB = new MomentPHP('1980-12-08');

var_dump( $momentA->from($momentB) ); // string(8) "in a day"
var_dump( $momentB->from($momentA) ); // string(9) "a day ago"

If you can get the value without the suffix, then set second argument as TRUE.

$momentA = new MomentPHP('1980-12-07');
$momentB = new MomentPHP('1980-12-08');

var_dump( $momentA->from($momentB, true) ); // string(5) "a day"
var_dump( $momentB->from($momentA, true) ); // string(5) "a day"


It's equal as from(), but starting time is now.

$moment = new MomentPHP;
$moment->add(1, 'day');

var_dump( $moment->fromNow() ); // string(8) "in a day"



Adds an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds. Units is same as for method diff().

$number = 1;
$unit = 'day';
var_dump( $moment->add($number, $unit)->days() ); // string(2) "08"

Adds instance of class DateInterval.

$interval = DateInterval('1 day');
var_dump( $moment->add($interval)->days() ); // string(2) "08"

Adds array with parameters for loop add(). [unit => number]

$fields = array('days' => 1, 'years' => 1);
var_dump( $moment->add($fields)->format('d|Y') ); // string(7) "08|1981"


It's equal as add(), bud for subtracts.

$number = 1;
$unit = 'day';
var_dump( $moment->sub($number, $unit)->days() ); // string(2) "06"


Mutates the original moment by setting it to the start of a unit of time. Units is same as for add().

var_dump( $moment->isoDate() ); // string(25) "1980-12-07T19:21:42+01:00"

var_dump( $moment->startOf('minutes')->isoDate() ); // string(25) "1980-12-07T19:21:00+01:00"
var_dump( $moment->startOf('hours')->isoDate() ); // string(25) "1980-12-07T19:00:00+01:00"
var_dump( $moment->startOf('days')->isoDate() ); // string(25) "1980-12-07T00:00:00+01:00"
var_dump( $moment->startOf('months')->isoDate() ); // string(25) "1980-12-01T00:00:00+01:00"
var_dump( $moment->startOf('years')->isoDate() ); // string(25) "1980-01-01T00:00:00+01:00"


Mutates the original moment by setting it to the end of a unit of time. Units is same as for add().

var_dump( $moment->isoDate() ); // string(25) "1980-12-07T19:21:42+00:00"

var_dump( $moment->endOf('minutes')->isoDate() ); // string(25) "1980-12-07T19:21:59+00:00"
var_dump( $moment->endOf('hours')->isoDate() ); // string(25) "1980-12-07T19:59:59+00:00"
var_dump( $moment->endOf('days')->isoDate() ); // string(25) "1980-12-07T23:59:59+00:00"
var_dump( $moment->endOf('months')->isoDate() ); // string(25) "1980-12-31T23:59:59+00:00"
var_dump( $moment->endOf('years')->isoDate() ); // string(25) "1980-12-31T23:59:59+00:00"



Returns TRUE if that year is a leap year, and FALSE if it is not.

$moment = new MomentPHP\MomentPHP('2012', 'Y');
var_dump( $moment->isLeapYear() ); // bool(true)

$moment = new MomentPHP\MomentPHP('2013', 'Y');
var_dump( $moment->isLeapYear() ); // bool(false)


Checks if the current moment is in daylight savings time.

$moment = new MomentPHP\MomentPHP('06', 'm');
var_dump( $moment->isDST() ); // bool(true)

$moment = new MomentPHP\MomentPHP('12', 'm');
var_dump( $moment->isDST() ); // bool(false)


Check if a moment is before another moment.

var_dump( $moment->isBefore('1980-12-31') ); // bool(true)

If set unit, then beginning both dates set on the unit.

var_dump( $moment->isBefore('1980-12-31', 'months') ); // bool(false)


Check if a moment is after another moment. It is the exact opposite method IsBefore().


Check if a moment is the same as another moment.

var_dump( $moment->isSame('1980-12-07') ); // bool(false) because time for compare date is "00:00:00"
var_dump( $moment->startOf('days')->isSame() ); // bool(true) because time for origin date set on "00:00:00"


Check if a variable is a MomentPHP object.

var_dump( $moment->isMomentPHP(new MomentPHP\MomentPHP) ); // bool(true)
var_dump( $moment->isMomentPHP(new DateTime) ); // bool(false)