
Manage your sites' cookies with this tarteaucitron.js Craft CMS 3 integration

3.0.1 2022-08-24 15:40 UTC


Craft 4 - tarteaucitron.js

Handle GDPR in your Craft CMS projet the easy way with tarteaucitron.js.

This plugin currently support the following services :

  • Facebook Pixel
  • Google AdWords (conversion)
  • Google AdWords (remarketing)
  • Google Analytics (universal)
  • Google Maps
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Linkedin
  • Twitter
  • Vimeo
  • Youtube
  • YouTube Js API


This plugin requires Craft CMS 4.0.0 or later. Version 2.x of this plugin supports Craft CMS 3.x


The easy way

Just install the plugin from the Craft Plugin Store.

From the command line

composer require la-haute-societe/craft-tarteaucitron
./craft install/plugin tarteaucitron

Tarteaucitron plugin Overview

tarteaucitron.js is a javascript library allowing you to handle GDPR compliance on your site. It allows end-users to give their consent before exposing them to third party services (such as Google, Facebook, Twitter…).

This plugin makes the integrating tarteaucitron.js in Craft CMS projects a breeze.

Using the Tarteaucitron plugin

Initialization script

Add the following twig code in the templates where you want the plugin to be loaded (in the <head> section of the layout page for example):

{{ craft.tarteaucitron.initScript }}

Loading services

Settings page

The plugin and its associated services are configurable from the plugin settings page.

To activate a service on your site, you need to activate it and then, depending on the service, add the given Twig code where you want the service to be loaded. The Twig code will output a tarteaucitron.js placeholder, that will get replaced by the content you wanted to load (e.g. a YouTube video, a Google Maps…) once tarteaucitron.js has loaded, and the user has given its consent for the service.

Service HTML Attributes

For some service templates, you can include a parameter named htmlAttributes. This parameter allows you to define html attributes for the html tag associated with the service.

Example :

{{ craft.tarteaucitron.vimeo({
    videoId: 'xxxxxxxx',
    width: '500px',
    height: '200px',
    htmlAttributes: {
        class: 'border-black',
}) }}

Advanced usage

Manually instantiating services

If for some reason, you'd rather not use the methods to instantiate your services, you can always add the tarteaucitron.js placeholder element by yourself.

These two examples will have the exact same result (you still need to enable the Vimeo service in the plugin settings):

{{ craft.tarteaucitron.vimeo({
    videoId: 'xxxxxxxx',
    width: '500px',
    height: '200px',
    htmlAttributes: {
        class: 'border-black',
}) }}
    class="border-black vimeo_player"

Checking if a service is enabled

You may need to check whether a service is enabled (as in "enabled in the plugin settings", this has nothing to do with whether the user has given its consent):

{% if not craft.tarteaucitron.isTwitterEnabled() %}
    The site admin decided to disable Twitter widgets.
{% endif %}

Here are the available isXXXEnabled() methods:

  • isFacebookPixelEnabled()
  • isGoogleTagManagerEnabled()
  • isReCAPTCHAEnabled()
  • isGoogleMapsEnabled()
  • isGoogleAnalyticsUniversalEnabled()
  • isGoogleAdWordsConversionEnabled()
  • isGoogleAdWordsRemarketingEnabled()
  • isLinkedInEnabled()
  • isTwitterEnabled()
  • isVimeoEnabled()
  • isYoutubeEnabled()

JS - Dynamically adding elements managed by a service

Sometimes you need to dynamically add an element that should be managed by tarteaucitron.js (eg. you load a page fragment containing a Vimeo video using AJAX). Adding the tarteaucitron.js placeholder to the DOM isn't enough. You need to ask tarteaucitron.js to re-render the service :

// Create a tarteaucitron.js Vimeo placeholder element and add it to the document
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.className = 'vimeo_player';
div.attributes['data-videoID'] = 'XXXXXX';
div.dataset.width = '500px';
div.dataset.height = '300px';

// Make tarteaucitron.js re-render the vimeo service[tarteaucitron.state.vimeo ? 'js' : 'fallback']();

JS - Reacting to the user giving its consent to a service

Unfortunately, there is no clean way to do this at the moment, but a PR will be submitted to try to improve tarteaucitron.js.

Customizing JS output in the page

Instead of using {{ craft.tarteaucitron.initScript() }} to output both the tarteaucitron.js tag and the configuration JS tag, use:

  • {{ craft.tarteaucitron.javascriptImportTag() }} to output just the tarteaucitron.js import tag
  • {{ craft.tarteaucitron.javascriptConfigTag() }} to output just the tarteaucitron.js configuration inline JS tag

Customizing CSS output

By default, tarteaucitron.js imports the css/tarteaucitron.css stylesheet located next to the tarteaucitron.js file. You can prevent this using the useCustomCss setting of the plugin. You can provide your own stylesheet or use {{ craft.tarteaucitron.stylesheetTag() }} to output the tarteaucitron.js stylesheet import tag


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