
Object-oriented collection structures

v2.0.0 2018-09-19 19:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-22 18:43:26 UTC


Object-oriented collection structures.




  • Collection - list of values with sequential integer indexes
  • Map - key-value map


  • PHP 7.1+


The Collection class implements a list of values with sequential integer indexes.

It also implements Countable, ArrayAccess and IteratorAggregate.

Creating a new collection

Empty collection


use Kuria\Collections\Collection;

$collection = Collection::create();

Using an existing iterable


use Kuria\Collections\Collection;

$collection = Collection::create(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

Using varargs


use Kuria\Collections\Collection;

$collection = Collection::collect('foo', 'bar', 'baz');

Collection method overview

Refer to doc comments of the respective methods for more information.

Static methods

  • create($values = null): self - create a collection from an iterable
  • collect(...$values): self - create a collection from the passed arguments
  • fill($value, $count): self - create a collection and populate it with repeated values
  • explode($string, $delimiter, $limit = PHP_INT_MAX): self - create a collection by splitting a string

Instance methods

  • setValues($values): void - replace all values with the given iterable
  • toArray(): array - get all values as an array
  • isEmpty(): bool - see if the collection is empty
  • count(): int - count values
  • has($index): bool - see if the given index exists
  • contains($value, $strict = true): bool - see if the given value exists
  • find($value, $strict = true): ?int - try to find the first occurence of a value
  • get($index): mixed - get value at the given index
  • first(): mixed - get first value
  • last(): mixed - get last value
  • indexes(): int[] - get all indexes
  • slice($index, $length = null): self - extract a slice of the collection
  • replace($index, $value): void - replace a value at the given index
  • push(...$values): void - push one or more values onto the end of the collection
  • pop(): mixed - pop a value off the end of the collection
  • unshift(...$values): void - prepend one or more values to the beginning of the collection
  • shift(): mixed - shift a value off the beginning of the collection
  • insert($index, ...$values): void - insert one or more values at the given index
  • pad($length, $value): void - pad the collection with a value to the specified length
  • remove(...$indexes): void - remove values at the given indexes
  • clear(): void - remove all values
  • splice($index, $length = null, $replacement = null): void - remove or replace a part of the collection
  • sum(): int|float - calculate the sum of all values
  • product(): int|float - calculate the product of all values
  • implode($delimiter = ''): string - join all values using a delimiter
  • reduce($callback, $initial = null): mixed - reduce the collection to a single value
  • reverse(): self - reverse the collection
  • chunk($size): self[] - split the collection into chunks of the given size
  • split($number): self[] - split the collection into the given number of chunks
  • unique(): self - get unique values
  • shuffle(): self - get values in random order
  • random($count): self - get N random values from the collection
  • column($key): self - gather values from a property or array index of all object or array values
  • mapColumn($valueKey, $indexKey): Map - build a map using properties or array indexes of all object or array values
  • filter($filter): self - filter values using the given callback
  • apply($callback): self - apply the callback to all values
  • map($mapper): Map - convert the collection to a map
  • merge(...$iterables): self - merge the collection with the given iterables
  • intersect(...$iterables): self - compute an intersection with the given iterables
  • uintersect($comparator, ...$iterables): self - compute an intersection with the given iterables using a custom comparator
  • diff(...$iterables): self - compute a difference between this collection and the given iterables
  • udiff($comparator, ...$iterables): self - compute a difference between this collection and the given iterables using a custom comparator
  • sort($flags = SORT_REGULAR, $reverse = false): self - sort the collection
  • usort($comparator): self - sort the collection using a custom comparator


Any method that returns self returns a new collection instance with the selected or modified values. The original collection is not changed.

If updating the original collection is needed, use setValues() to do so, e.g.:



Array access and iteration

Collection instances can be accessed and iterated as regular arrays.


use Kuria\Collections\Collection;

$collection = Collection::create();

// push some values
$collection[] = 'foo';
$collection[] = 'bar';
$collection[] = 'baz';

// replace a value
$collection[1] = 'new bar';

// remove a value

// read values
echo 'Value at index 1 is ', $collection[1], "\n";
echo 'Value at index 2 ', isset($collection[2]) ? 'exists' : 'does not exist', "\n";

// count values
echo 'There are ', count($collection), ' values in total', "\n";

// iterate values
foreach ($collection as $index => $value) {
    echo $index, ': ', $value, "\n";


Value at index 1 is new bar
Value at index 2 does not exist
There are 2 values in total
0: foo
1: new bar


The Map class implements a key value map.

It also implements Countable, ArrayAccess and IteratorAggregate.

Creating a new map

Empty map


use Kuria\Collections\Map;

$map = Map::create();

Using an existing iterable


use Kuria\Collections\Map;

$map = Map::create(['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz']);

Map method overview

Refer to doc comments of the respective methods for more information.

Static methods

  • create($pairs = null): self - create a map from an iterable
  • map($iterable, $mapper): self - map values of the given iterable using a callback
  • build($iterable, $mapper): self - build a map from an iterable using a callback
  • combine($keys, $values): self - combine a list of keys and a list of values to create a map

Instance methods

  • setPairs($pairs): void - replace all pairs with the given iterable
  • toArray(): array - get all pairs as an array
  • isEmpty(): bool - see if the map is empty
  • count(): int - count pairs
  • has($key): bool - see if the given key exists
  • contains($value, $strict = true): bool - see if the given value exists
  • find($value, $strict = true): string|int|null - try to find the first occurence of a value
  • get($key): mixed - get value for the given key
  • values(): Collection - get all values
  • keys(): Collection - get all keys
  • set($key, $value): void - define a pair
  • add(...$iterables): void - add pairs from other iterables to this map
  • fill($keys, $value): void - fill specific keys with a value
  • remove(...$keys): void - remove pairs with the given keys
  • clear(): void - remove all pairs
  • reduce($reducer, $initial = null): mixed - reduce the map to a single value
  • flip(): self - swap keys and values
  • shuffle(): self - randomize pair order
  • column($key, $indexBy = null): self - gather values from properties or array keys of all object or array values
  • filter($filter): self - filter pairs using the given callback
  • apply($callback): self - apply the callback to all pairs
  • map($mapper): self - remap pairs using the given callback
  • intersect(...$iterables): self - compute an intersection with the given iterables
  • uintersect($comparator, ...$iterables): self - compute an intersection with the given iterables using a custom comparator
  • intersectKeys(...$iterables): self - compute a key intersection with the given iterables
  • uintersectKeys($comparator, ...$iterables): self - compute a key intersection with the given iterables using a custom comparator
  • diff(...$iterables): self - compute a difference between this map and the given iterables
  • udiff($comparator, ...$iterables): self - compute a difference between this map and the given iterables using a custom comparator
  • diffKeys(...$iterables): self - compute a key difference between this map and the given iterables
  • udiffKeys($comparator, ...$iterables): self - compute a key difference between this map and the given iterables using a custom comparator
  • sort($flags = SORT_REGULAR, $reverse = false): self - sort the map using its values
  • usort($comparator): self - sort the map using its values and a custom comparator
  • ksort($flags = SORT_REGULAR, $reverse = false): self - sort the map using its keys
  • uksort(): self - sort the map using its keys and a custom comparator


Any method that returns self returns a new map instance with the selected or modified pairs. The original map is not changed.

If updating the original map is needed, use setPairs() to do so, e.g.:



Array access and iteration

Map instances can be accessed and iterated as regular arrays.


use Kuria\Collections\Map;

$map = Map::create();

// add some pairs
$map['foo'] = 'bar';
$map['baz'] = 'qux';
$map['quux'] = 'quuz';

// remove a pair

// read values
echo 'Value with key "foo" is ', $map['foo'], "\n";
echo 'Value with key "baz" ', isset($map['baz']) ? 'exists' : 'does not exist', "\n";

// count pairs
echo 'There are ', count($map), ' pairs in total', "\n";

// iterate pairs
foreach ($map as $key => $value) {
   echo $key, ': ', $value, "\n";


Value with key "foo" is bar
Value with key "baz" does not exist
There are 2 pairs in total
foo: bar
quux: quuz