
the PHP OpenSSL Toolbox

v1.0.1 2021-06-21 11:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-21 18:34:46 UTC


provides object-oriented, secure and extended access to PHP OpenSSL functions

Conception basics

The OpenSSL pkey functions are assembled in the

  • OpenSSLPkeyFactory class

The OpenSSL CSR functions are assembled in the

  • OpenSSLCsrFactory class

The OpenSSL x509 functions are assembled in the

  • OpenSSLX509Factory class

The OpenSSL pkcs7 functions are assembled in the

  • OpenSSLPkcs7Factory class

The OpenSSL pkcs12 functions are assembled in the

  • OpenSSLPkcs12Factory class

The OpenSSL spki functions are assembled in the

  • OpenSSLSpkiFactory class

Remaining OpenSSL functions are assembled in the

  • OpenSSLFactory class

Asserts and convenient salt, base64, hex, pack utility etc methods are assembled in the

  • Assert class
  • Convert class


All methods have

  • argument validation and throws InvalidArgumentException on error
  • errorHandler protection and result error evaluation, throws RuntimeException on error

Method names originates from OpenSSL function names

  • Ex 'openssl_pkey_export' is encapsulated in method OpenSSLPkeyFactory::export()

Most methods has also more convenient and describable named method alias

  • Ex OpenSSLPkeyFactory::getPrivateKeyAsPemString() for 'openssl_pkey_export'

Most methods (ex setters) are chainable (ie return 'static')

The OO-classes, above, has 'factory' methods, support 'one-liners' and inherit usefull constants defind in the OpenSSLInterface

Supplementary methods for message digest / hmac digest support are assembled in the

  • HashFactory class
  • HmacHashFactory class

Example Usage

Generate keys :

namespace Kigkonsult\OpenSSLToolbox;

$config = [
    OpenSSLPkeyFactory::DIGESTALGO     => OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA512,
    OpenSSLPkeyFactory::PRIVATEKEYBITS => 4096,

$pKeyFactory      = new OpenSSLPkeyFactory( $config );

// Generate a private key
$privateKeyString = $pKeyFactory->getPrivateKeyAsPemString();
// Generate a public key
$publicKeyString  = $pKeyFactory->getPublicKeyAsPemString();
// or 
list( $privateKeyString, $publicKeyString ) =
// or one-liner, all-in-one
list( $privateKeyString, $publicKeyString ) =
    OpenSSLPkeyFactory::factory( $config )
// or to files
OpenSSLPkeyFactory::factory( $config )
                  ->savePrivatePublicKeyPairIntoPemFiles( 'priv.pem', 'pub.pem' )

// Distinguished Name or subject fields to be used in the certificate
$DN = [
    OpenSSLCsrFactory::COUNTRYNAME          => "GB",
    OpenSSLCsrFactory::STATEORPROVINCENAME  => "Somerset",
    OpenSSLCsrFactory::LOCALITYNAME         => "Glastonbury",
    OpenSSLCsrFactory::ORGANIZATIONNAME     => "The Brain Room Limited",
    OpenSSLCsrFactory::ORGANIZATIONUNITNAME => "PHP Documentation Team",
    OpenSSLCsrFactory::COMMONNAME           => "Wez Furlong",
    OpenSSLCsrFactory::EMAILADDRESS         => ""
// Generate a certificate signing request
$csrFactory       = OpenSSLCsrFactory::factory( $DN, $privateKeyString, $config );
$csrCertString    = $csrFactory->getCSRasPemString();

// Generate a self-signed cert
$x509CertResource = $csrFactory->getX509CertResource( null, $privateKeyString );
$x509Factory      = OpenSSLX509Factory::factory()
                                      ->setX509Resource( $x509CertResource );
$x509CertString   = $x509Factory->getX509CertAsPemString();

// or shorter
$x509CertString   = OpenSSLX509Factory::csrFactory( null, $DN, $privateKeyString, $config )
// or save to pem/der-file
OpenSSLX509Factory::csrFactory( null, $DN, $privateKeyString, $config )
                  ->saveX509CertIntoPemFile( 'cert.pem' );
              //  ->saveX509CertIntoDerFile( 'cert.der' )


// Seal data using public key(s)
$data        = implode( array_fill( 0, 100, 'Testing OpenSSL seal/open, !"#¤%&/()=?. '));
$recipientId = 'The Recipient';
$publicKeys  = [ $recipientId => $publicKeyString ];
list( $sealed, $envelopeKeys ) = OpenSSLFactory::getSealedString( $data, $publicKeys );

// Open (decrypted) data using private key
$decrypted   = OpenSSLFactory::getOpenedSealedString(
     $sealed, $envelopeKeys[$recipientId], $privateKeyString


$data       = implode( array_fill( 0, 100, 'Testing OpenSSL encrypt/decrypt, !"#¤%&/()=?. '));
$cipher     = 'AES-256-ECB';
$passPhrase = Workshop::getSalt();
// encrypt string
$encrypted  = OpenSSLFactory::getEncryptedString( $data, $cipher, $passPhrase );
// decrypt string
$decrypted  = OpenSSLFactory::getDecryptedString( $encrypted, $cipher, $passPhrase );

More encrypt/decrypt

$data      = 'Testing OpenSSL public/private encrypt/decrypt, !"#¤%&/()=?. ';
// Encrypt the data using the PUBLIC key
$encrypted = OpenSSLFactory::getpublicKeyEncryptedString( $data, $publicKeyString );
// Decrypt the data using the PRIVATE key
$decrypted = OpenSSLFactory::getprivateKeyDecryptedString( $encrypted, $privateKeyString );

// Encrypt the data using the PRIVATE key
$encrypted = OpenSSLFactory::getprivateKeyEncryptedString( $data, $privateKeyString );
// Decrypt the data using the PUBLIC key
$decrypted = OpenSSLFactory::getpublicKeyDecryptedString( $encrypted, $publicKeyString );


You will find

  • class information in docs folder
  • convenient constants in src/OpenSSLInterface
  • a lot of more examples in the test folder.


For support, please use Github/issues. Non-emergence support issues are, unless sponsored, fixed in due time.


Donation using are appreciated. For invoice, please e-mail.



From the Command Line:

composer require kigkonsult/openssltoolbox

In your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "kigkonsult/openssltoolbox": "dev-master"

Acquire access

namespace Kigkonsult\OpenSSLToolbox;
include 'vendor/autoload.php';

Download and acquire..

namepace Kigkonsult\OpenSSLToolbox;
include 'pathToSource/OpenSSLToolbox/autoload.php';
cd pathToSource/OpenSSLToolbox

Tests are executed in LOG mode, to alter, update PHP const last in phpunit.xml.
Note, it will takes some time, 80% coverage...
But still remain untested parts, help appreciated.

Assert PHP 7+ using PHPCompatibility and PHPStan.


This project is licensed under the LGPLv3 License