
Saferpay Payum plugin providing Ecommerce and Business features

v0.5.0 2023-03-06 08:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-06 16:19:51 UTC


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This plugin implements Saferpay specification v1.10, including all features from e-commerce and business licenses. Saferpay e-commerce license provides access to Payment Page interface only. Saferpay Business license provides Transaction Interface, recurring payments, storing cards aliases and etc. For more detailed comparison please refer to Licensing options and Supported payment methods per interface.

Transaction Interface provides two options: an iframe (similar to Payment Page) and submitting the card data directly. The last option is available only if you are PCI compliant.

Here is how Payment Page interface looks like:

Here is how Transaction interface looks like:



This plugin supports

All features are covered with tests. You can find useful examples in functional tests.


$ composer require karser/payum-saferpay


With PayumBundle (Symfony)

First register the gateway factory in your services definition:

# config/services.yaml or app/config/services.yml
        class: Payum\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Builder\GatewayFactoryBuilder
        arguments: [Karser\PayumSaferpay\SaferpayGatewayFactory]
            - { name: payum.gateway_factory_builder, factory: saferpay }

Then configure the gateway:

You can use General test account credentials or create personal test account here

# config/packages/payum.yaml or app/config/config.yml

            factory: saferpay
            # this is test credentials
            username: 'API_401860_80003225'
            password: 'C-y*bv8346Ze5-T8'
            customerId: '401860'
            terminalId: '17795278'
            interface: 'TRANSACTION' #optionally, can be defined via details too
            optionalParameters: #optionally, add some additional interface options, read more below in section "Additional Configuration"
                styling_css_url: 'https://acme.com/hosted-page-styles.css'
            sandbox: true

With Payum


use Payum\Core\GatewayFactoryInterface;
use Payum\Core\PayumBuilder;
use Payum\Core\Payum;
use Karser\PayumSaferpay\SaferpayGatewayFactory;

/** @var Payum $payum */
$payum = (new PayumBuilder())
    ->addGatewayFactory('saferpay', static function(array $config, GatewayFactoryInterface $coreGatewayFactory) {
        return new SaferpayGatewayFactory($config, $coreGatewayFactory);
    ->addGateway('saferpay', [
        'factory' => 'saferpay',
        # this is test credentials
        'username' => 'API_401860_80003225',
        'password' => 'C-y*bv8346Ze5-T8',
        'customerId' => '401860',
        'terminalId' => '17795278',
        'interface' => 'TRANSACTION', #optionally, can be defined via details too
        'sandbox' => true,

Configure the routes

You can include the default Payum Bundle's routes, although only these routes are actually required by this plugin:

    path: /payment/capture/{payum_token}
    controller: PayumBundle:Capture:do

#notification route is required only if you use payment page interface
#    path: /payment/notify/{payum_token}
#    controller: PayumBundle:Notify:do


Capture example

Make sure you defined Payment and Token entities like it is described here


use App\Entity\Payment;
use Payum\Core\Payum;
use Payum\Core\Request\Capture;
use Karser\PayumSaferpay\Constants;

/** @var Payum $payum */
$storage = $payum->getStorage(Payment::class);
$payment = $storage->create();
$payment->setTotalAmount(123); //$1.23 USD
$payment->setDescription('test payment');

// capture using TRANSACTION interface (default)
$payment->setDetails(['Interface' => Constants::INTERFACE_TRANSACTION]);
// or capture using PAYMENT_PAGE interface
$payment->setDetails(['Interface' => Constants::INTERFACE_PAYMENT_PAGE]);


$token = $payum->getTokenFactory()->createCaptureToken('saferpay', $payment, 'done.php');

$captureRequest = new Capture($token);
$reply = $this->gateway->execute($captureRequest, true);

//then redirect user to $reply->getUrl();

use App\Entity\Payment;
use Payum\Core\Payum;
use Payum\Core\Request\GetHumanStatus;

/** @var Payum $payum */
$token = $payum->getHttpRequestVerifier()->verify($_GET);

$payment = $payum->getStorage(Payment::class)->find($token);

$this->assertStatus(GetHumanStatus::STATUS_CAPTURED, $payment);

$this->gateway->execute($status = new GetHumanStatus($payment));

//status of the payment is in $status->getValue()

Recurring Payments with the referenced transactions Method

  1. Capture payment with Recurring or Installment option:
use Karser\PayumSaferpay\Constants;

$payment = $storage->create();

$payment->setDetails(['Payment' => ['Recurring' => ['Initial' => true]]]);
$payment->setDetails(['Payment' => ['Installment' => ['Initial' => true]]]);

//then capture the payment
$captureRequest = new Capture($token);
$reply = $this->gateway->execute($captureRequest, true);
//then redirect user to $reply->getUrl();
  1. Capture a new transaction by providing a reference to the previous one:
$refTransactionId = $payment->getDetails()['Transaction']['Id'];

$payment = $storage->create();

    'TransactionReference' => [
        'TransactionId' =>  $refTransactionId,

//then capture the payment
$captureRequest = new Capture($token);

Recurring Payments using an alias

  1. Obtaining the Alias: The user will have to enter their card details in an iframe.
use Karser\PayumSaferpay\Constants;
use Karser\PayumSaferpay\Model\CardAlias;

$cardAliasStorage = $this->payum->getStorage(CardAlias::class);
$alias = $cardAliasStorage->create();
    'Alias' => [
        'IdGenerator' => Constants::ALIAS_ID_GENERATOR_MANUAL,
        'Id' => $generatedId = uniqid('id', true),
        'Lifetime' => 1600, //days
$token = $this->payum->getTokenFactory()->createCaptureToken(self::GATEWAY_NAME, $cardAlias, 'done.php');

$insertCardAliasRequest = new InsertCardAlias($token);
$reply = $this->gateway->execute($insertCardAliasRequest, true);
//then redirect user to $reply->getUrl();
  1. Capture a new transaction by providing an alias id:
$aliasId = $cardAlias->getDetails()['Alias']['Id'];

$payment = $storage->create();

    'PaymentMeans' => [
        'Alias' => [
            'Id' => $aliasId,

//then capture the payment
$captureRequest = new Capture($token);

Change Payload Locale

  1. Create a custom extension (If you're using the symfony bundle):
    autowire: true
    public: true
        - { name: payum.extension, alias: saferpay_locale_extension, factory: saferpay, gateway: saferpay, prepend: false }
  1. Create service:
use Payum\Core\Bridge\Spl\ArrayObject;
use Payum\Core\Extension\Context;
use Payum\Core\Extension\ExtensionInterface;
use Payum\Core\Request\Convert;

class ConvertPaymentExtension implements ExtensionInterface
    public function onPostExecute(Context $context)
        $action = $context->getAction();
        $previousActionClassName = get_class($action);

        if (false === stripos($previousActionClassName, 'ConvertPaymentAction')) {

        /** @var Convert $request */
        $request = $context->getRequest();
        if (false === $request instanceof Convert) {
        // do your locale logic here
        $customLocale = 'de';

        $result = ArrayObject::ensureArrayObject($request->getResult());

        $payerData = [];
        if (isset($result['Payer']) && is_array($result['Payer'])) {
            $payerData = $result['Payer'];

        $payerData['LanguageCode'] = $customLocale;

        $result['Payer'] = $payerData;

        $request->setResult((array) $result);

Additional Configuration

Depending on given interface, there are several optional options available.


                styling_css_url: 'https://acme.com/hosted-page-styles.css'

Payment Page interface

Transaction interface


composer update


  • Implement separate actions: Authorize, Cancel transaction
  • Improve and add more unit tests
  • config parameters: LIABILITY_SHIFT condition



This plugin is under the MIT license. For the whole copyright, see the LICENSE file distributed with this source code.