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Simply map JSON structures onto PHP classes Edit

1.1 2017-05-16 20:42 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-16 05:48:48 UTC


Simply map JSON structures onto PHP classes


#How it works

  • Map an array, an object or a json string into an object :

        $data = ['testOne' => 1, 'testTwo' => 2, 'testThree' => 3]
        $myClass = new MyClass(); 
        $mapper = new Mapper();
        $mapper->map($data, $myClass);
        Where MyClass is: 
        class MyClass {
           protected $testOne;
           public $testTwo;
           private $testThree;
        The result is :
            [testOne] => 1
            [testTwo] => 2
            [testThree] => 3
    • the first parameter ($from) can be either an array, an object or a string
    • if the first parameter is a string but isn't a valid json, an InvalidDataException is raised
    • if the second parameter isn't an object, an InvalidDataException is raised
    • if a property (when $from is an object) or key (when $from is an array) does not exist, it will not be created.
  • To create a property in the target class when it does not exist:

    $options = new Options();
    $mapper = new Mapper($options);
    $mapper->map($from, $myClass);
  • Transform properties:

    • You can transform array keys or object properties during mapping,

    • example :

      • Map the array :

        ['test_one' => 1] 

        to the object :

            class Test { 
               protected $testOne;

        where the array key 'test_one' corresponds to the property $testOne;

      • Or Map the object :

            class A { 
               protected $testA;

        to the object :

            class B { 
               protected $testB;

        where the property $testA of the class A corresponds to the property $testB of class B

    To do so you need to use Transformers :

    There are 4 built in Transformers :

    • CamelCaseTransformer : snake or pascal case to camel case

      attribute-name => attributeName
      attribute_name => attributeName
      attribute name => attributeName
      Attribute_NAME => attributeName
      AttributeName  => attributeName
      attributeName  => attributeName
      attribute_firstName => attributeFirstname
    • SnakeCaseTransformer: pascal or camel case to snake case

      attributeName => attribute_name
      attribute => attribute
    • PascalCaseTransformer: snake or camel case to pascal case

      attribute-name => AttributeName
      attribute_name => AttributeName
      attribute name => AttributeName
      Attribute_NAME => AttributeName
      AttributeName  => AttributeName
      attributeName  => AttributeName
      attribute_firstName => AttributeFirstname
    • CustomTransformer : allows to add your own transformer

    You can specify a transformer for all the properties/keys or one for every property/key

    Examples :

    • Apply a CamelCase Transformer to all the properties/keys

      $options = new Options();
      $options->setTransformer(new CamelCaseTransformer());
      $mapper = new Mapper($options);
      $class = new MyClassExample(); //Contains only one propery named $testOne;
      $data = ['test_one' => 'Hellow World'];
      $mapper->map($data, $class);
      Result :  
          [testOne] => 'Hellow World'
    • Apply a Custom Transformer to all the properties/keys

      $customTransformer = new CustomTransformer();
      $customTransformer->setTransformer(function($property) {
          if ($property == 'test_one') {
              return 'name';
          return $property; //very important or else only test_one will be mapped
      $options = new Options();
      $mapper = new Mapper($options);
      $class =  new MyClassExample(); //Having two Properties $name and $phone
      $data = ['test_one' => 'Jhon doe', 'phone' => 1234];
      $mapper->map($data, $class);
      Result :  
          [name] => 'Jhon doe',
          [phone] => 1234
    • Apply different Transformers

      $customTransformer = new CustomTransformer();
      $customTransformer->setTransformer(function($property) {
         return 'name';
      $options = new Options();
      $options->addPropertyTransformer('test_one', $customTransformer);
      $options->addPropertyTransformer('phone_number', new CamelCaseTransformer());
      $mapper = new Mapper($options);
      $class =  new MyClassExample(); //Having two Properties $name, $phoneNumber
      $data = ['test_one' => 'Jhon doe', 'phone_number' => 1234];
      $mapper->map($data, $class);
      Result :  
          [name]  => 'Jhon doe',
          [phoneNumber] => 1234