
v0.9 2017-07-06 17:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-19 16:44:16 UTC


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Just another PHP router with following highlights:

  • Support of PSR-7 - HTTP message interfaces
  • Two dispatchers with closure and controller/module support
  • Can be used even without mod_rewrite


Prefered way to install library is with composer:

composer require kambo/router


URL rewrite

For rewrite support in Apache with enabled mod_rewrite create a .htaccess file in your root directory, with following settings:

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [NC,L]

For disabling support of mod_rewrite use method setUrlFormat:


Route definition

The routes are added by calling createRoute() on the RouteCollection instance:

$routeCollection->createRoute($method, $routePattern, $handler);

The $method is HTTP method name represented by value from Kambo\Router\Enum\Method enum for which a certain route should match, eg.: Method::GET

By default the $routePattern uses a syntax where {foo} specifies a placeholder with name foo and matching the regex [^/]+. To adjust the pattern the placeholder matches, you can specify a custom pattern by writing {bar:[0-9]+}. Some examples:

// Matches /user/kambo/123, but not /user/kambo/abc
$routeCollection->addRoute(Method::GET, '/user/{name}/{id:\d+}', $handler);

A shortcut methods can be also used for all Method:

// Shortcut for createRoute(Method::GET, '/user/{name}/{id:\d+}', $handler);

$routeCollection->get('/user/{name}/{id:\d+}', $handler) 
$routeCollection->post('post/url', $handler)
$routeCollection->delete('delete/url', $handler)
$routeCollection->put('put/url', $handler)
$routeCollection->any('any/url', $handler)

A closure as $handler can be used:

$routeCollection->get('/article/{id:\d+}', function($id) {
    echo $id;

PSR-7 - HTTP message interfaces

Kambo router is using a instance of PSR 7 compatible request object for abstraction over server variables. Any third party library that implements PSR-7 can be used, such as Kambo/HttpMessage

Router dispatcher

Router comes with following dispatcher:

  • Closure dispatcher with automatic path <=> closure variable bind function.
  • Opinionated class dispatcher which force you organize your code into module/controller class structure.

Using closure dispatcher


// Kambo\Router
use Kambo\Router\Route\Collection;
use Kambo\Router\Route\Builder\Base;
use Kambo\Router\Dispatcher\ClosureAutoBind;
use Kambo\Router\Router;
use Kambo\Router\Matcher\Regex;

// Kambo\Http\Message
use Kambo\Http\Message\Environment\Environment;
use Kambo\Http\Message\Factories\Environment\ServerRequestFactory;

$routeCollection = new Collection(new Base());

// Matches http://{domain}/user/{string}/transaction/{integer number} eg.: http://router-example.vg/user/kambo/transaction/1
$routeCollection->get('/user/{name}/transaction/{id:\d+}', function(int $id, string $name) {
    echo $id.' '.$name;

// Matches http://{domain}/article/{integer number} eg.: http://router-example.vg/article/42
$routeCollection->get('/article/{id:\d+}', function(int $id) {
    echo 'article id: '.$id;

// Create instance of the closure dispatcher with function properties auto bind functionality
$dispatcherClosureAutoBind = new ClosureAutoBind();

// Create instance of the route matcher based on regular expressions
$matcherRegex = new Regex($routeCollection);

// Create instance of the Router
$router = new Router($dispatcherClosureAutoBind, $matcherRegex);

// Create Environment object based on server variables.
$environment = new Environment($_SERVER, fopen('php://input', 'w+'), $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_FILES);

// Create instance of ServerRequest object in this example we are using Kambo/HttpMessage (https://github.com/kambo-1st/HttpMessage)
// but any other implementation of PSR 7 server request can be used.
$request = (new ServerRequestFactory())->create($environment);

// Start URL matching a PSR 7 compatible object must be provided

This example will define two routes:

http://{domain}/user/{string}/transaction/{integer number} http://{domain}/article/{integer number}


The MIT License (MIT), https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT