
Identify plural categories according to CLDR

Fund package maintenance!

v1.1.2 2023-11-24 23:41 UTC


Latest Stable Version Required PHP Version

A PHP package for identifying the plural category, according to CLDR, for a given number.

Major\PluralRules\PluralRules::select('en', 1);   // 'one'
Major\PluralRules\PluralRules::select('en', 2);   // 'other'
Major\PluralRules\PluralRules::select('pl', 1);   // 'one'
Major\PluralRules\PluralRules::select('pl', 42);  // 'few'
Major\PluralRules\PluralRules::select('pl', 45);  // 'many'
Major\PluralRules\PluralRules::select('pl', 1.5); // 'other'

You may install it via composer: composer require jrmajor/pluralrules.


This package works by compiling CLDR plural rules to PHP closures like these. This is done by gen script (php gen rules and php gen tests). Before running it, you would need to run yarn install to download cldr-core package.


vendor/bin/phpunit           # Tests
vendor/bin/phpstan analyze   # Static analysis
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix  # Formatting