
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Library of Http Clients

v0.1.7 2017-05-26 12:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-11-23 20:42:27 UTC




This repository is a library of http clients - Response, Request and Session.


The library code provides a Makefile:

$ make help
bootstrap    Install composer
update       Update composer packages
tests        Execute test suite


$ https://packagist.org/packages/jimdo/http

$ composer require jimdo/http

Developement setup

# Clone the repository

$ git clone git@github.com:Jimdo/php-http-lib.git

# Install composer and project dependencies

$ make bootstrap

# Requirements for test-driven

$ (xDebug) phpbrew ext install xdebug

Useful methods in the Request Object

  • __construct(queryParams, formData, sessionData) - The construct is the field where the query params and form data need to fill in as an array. The third one is a session object.
  • getQueryParams() - Returns query params as an array if available
  • getFormData() - Returns information from the form as an array
  • getSessionData() - Returns session data as an array

Useful methods in the Response Object

  • addBody() - Attach html code to one string for the correct body format
  • addHeader() - Add one header to the Response Headers
  • render() - Render header and body into correct html output code

Session Object

The Session Object handles with magic properties and methods.

  • Set properties via __construct or define properties with the session object
1. $session = new Session(["foo" => "bar"]);
2. $session->foo = "bar";
  • Get properties
$session = new Session(["foo" => "bar"]);

$data = $session->foo;