
iyzipay api php client


Latest Stable Version Coverage Status

You can sign up for an iyzico account at https://iyzico.com


PHP 5.6 and later.


Minimum TLS v1.2 will be supported after March 2018. Please upgrade your openssl version to minimum 1.0.1. If you have any questions, please open an issue on Github or contact us at integration@iyzico.com.



You can install the bindings via Composer. Run the following command:

composer require iyzico/iyzipay-php

To use the bindings, use Composer's autoload:


Manual Installation

If you do not wish to use Composer, you can download the latest release. Then, to use the bindings, include the IyzipayBootstrap.php file.



$options = new \Iyzipay\Options();
$options->setApiKey("your api key");
$options->setSecretKey("your secret key");
$request = new \Iyzipay\Request\CreatePaymentRequest();

$paymentCard = new \Iyzipay\Model\PaymentCard();
$paymentCard->setCardHolderName("John Doe");

$buyer = new \Iyzipay\Model\Buyer();
$buyer->setLastLoginDate("2015-10-05 12:43:35");
$buyer->setRegistrationDate("2013-04-21 15:12:09");
$buyer->setRegistrationAddress("Nidakule Göztepe, Merdivenköy Mah. Bora Sok. No:1");

$shippingAddress = new \Iyzipay\Model\Address();
$shippingAddress->setContactName("Jane Doe");
$shippingAddress->setAddress("Nidakule Göztepe, Merdivenköy Mah. Bora Sok. No:1");

$billingAddress = new \Iyzipay\Model\Address();
$billingAddress->setContactName("Jane Doe");
$billingAddress->setAddress("Nidakule Göztepe, Merdivenköy Mah. Bora Sok. No:1");

$basketItems = array();
$firstBasketItem = new \Iyzipay\Model\BasketItem();
$basketItems[0] = $firstBasketItem;

$secondBasketItem = new \Iyzipay\Model\BasketItem();
$secondBasketItem->setName("Game code");
$secondBasketItem->setCategory2("Online Game Items");
$basketItems[1] = $secondBasketItem;

$thirdBasketItem = new \Iyzipay\Model\BasketItem();
$thirdBasketItem->setCategory2("Usb / Cable");
$basketItems[2] = $thirdBasketItem;

$payment = \Iyzipay\Model\Payment::create($request, $options);

See other samples under samples directory.


Install dependencies:

composer install

Mock test cards

Test cards that can be used to simulate a successful payment:

Cross border test cards:

Test cards to get specific error codes:

Mock APM Accounts

Mock APM Accounts that can be used to simulate a payment with alternative payment method:


Install dependencies as mentioned above (which will resolve PHPUnit), then you can run the test suite:


Or to run an individual test file:

./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Iyzipay/Tests/Model/PaymentTest.php

Test file is testing...