
Symfony2 Barcode Generator Bundle using Twig function extension

Installs: 4 191

Dependents: 0

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Security: 0

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Watchers: 3

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


v1.0.0 2016-06-06 12:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-24 20:48:18 UTC


IDCIBarcodeBundle is the Symfony2 Barcode Generator Bundle what you want!


  1. Support 3 two-dimensional (2D) and 30 one-dimensional (1D) Barcode types
  2. Three output formats: HTML, PNG and SVG canvas
  3. Twig integration: you can simply use a extensional function of Twig in the template to generate Barcode
  4. Core of this bundle use this laravel project: dinesh/barcode



Add dependencies in your composer.json file:

"require": {
    "idci/barcode-bundle": "dev-master"

Install these new dependencies in your application using composer:

$ php composer.phar update

Register needed bundles in your application kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new IDCI\BarcodeBundle\IDCIBarcodeBundle(),

Generate options

To generate one barcode, you have 5 options can be configured.

Default width and height for 2D barcode are 5, 5, for 1D are 2, 30. Default color for html, svg is black, for png is array(0, 0, 0)

Usage by service

The bundle registers one service: idci_barcode.generator which will allows you to generate barcode:

  • outpout html
$options = array(
    'code'   => 'string to encode',
    'type'   => 'c128',
    'format' => 'html',

$barcode =

return new Response($barcode);
  • outpout svg
$options = array(
    'code'   => 'string to encode',
    'type'   => 'qrcode',
    'format' => 'svg',
    'width'  => 10,
    'height' => 10,
    'color'  => 'green',

$barcode =

return new Response($barcode);
  • outpout png
$options = array(
    'code'   => 'string to encode',
    'type'   => 'datamatrix',
    'format' => 'png',
    'width'  => 10,
    'height' => 10,
    'color'  => array(127, 127, 127),

$barcode =

return new Response('<img src="data:image/png;base64,'.$barcode.'" />');

For format png, the generator return the based64 of png file, so you can get the real data of png by base64_decode($barcode). Here we use Data URI scheme to direct display the png in webpage.

Usage in Twig template

This bundle extend one function of Twig: barcode which you can simply use it to generate barcode in the twig template.

barcode use the same options, only different thing is your need pass a Twig array (it looks really like Json, but it isn't) in the function.

  • display html
{{ barcode({code: 'string to encode', type: 'c128', format: 'html'}) }}
  • display svg
{{ barcode({code: 'string to encode', type: 'qrcode', format: 'svg', width: 10, height: 10, color: 'green'}) }}
  • display png
<img src="data:image/png;base64,
{{ barcode({code: 'string to encode', type: 'datamatrix', format: 'png', width: 10, height: 10, color: [127, 127, 127]}) }}
" />

Usage without service

use IDCI\BarcodeBundle\Generator\Generator;
$options = array(
    'code'   => 'string to encode',
    'type'   => 'qrcode',
    'format' => 'html',

$generator = new Generator();
$barcode = $generator->generate($options);

return new Response($barcode);

Save Barcode in file

As you can see, the Bundle save nothing on the file system, But if you want to keep the barcode, No problem!

  • save as html
$savePath = '/tmp/';
$fileName = 'sample.html';

file_put_contents($savePath.$fileName, $barcode);
  • save as svg
$savePath = '/tmp/';
$fileName = 'sample.svg';

file_put_contents($savePath.$fileName, $barcode);
  • save as png
$savePath = '/tmp/';
$fileName = 'sample.png';

file_put_contents($savePath.$fileName, base64_decode($barcode));

Supported Barcode Types

Please read Wikipedia page to know which type you should choice.

2d barcodes

1d barcodes


If there is some problem of requirements, make sure you have install these two extensions of PHP (check in your phpinfo()).

  • Barcodes requires GD and ImageMagick to create PNGs in PHP 5.3.
  • Barcodes requires PHP bcmath extension for Intelligent Mail barcodes


To execute unit tests:

$ phpunit --coverage-text