
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Braintree client for Elgg

1.1.1 2018-07-06 13:21 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-18 13:42:12 UTC


A wrapper for Braintree's PHP SDK


Configure your Braintree application to send webhooks to https://<your-elgg-site>/payments/braintree/webhooks

To digest a webhook, register a plugin hook handler:

elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('subscription_went_past_due', 'braintree', HandleExpiredSubscription::class);

class HandleExpiredSubscription {
	public function __invoke(\Elgg\Hook $hook) {
		$webhook = $hook->getParam('webhook');
		/* @var $webhook \Briantree\WebhookNotification */
		// ... do stuff
		return $result; // data to send back to braintree

Card Input

To display a card input:

// Card number, expiry and CVC
echo elgg_view_field([
	'#type' => 'braintree/card',
	'#label' => 'Credit or Debit Card',
	'required' => true,

You can then retrieve the value of the Braintree token in your action:

$token = get_input('braintree_token'); // Corresponds to payment_method_nonce

elgg()->{'payments.gateways.braintree'}->pay($transaction, [
	'braintree_token' => $token,