
The Hiqdev Hoa\Protocol library.

1.0.2 2022-07-29 16:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-07 20:22:47 UTC


The Hoa project was archived, and no upgrades or patches are neither provided nor accepted by merge requests.

HOA Packages include some code that is Deprecated for PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1, but we needed these packages to run on modern PHP versions.

What's changed in from?

The changes mainly affected the return data type hinting in methods declaration, access to uninitialized properties.

How to use

We've currently forked the following packages, primarily to make hoa/ruler work with PHP 8.1:

You can simply replace requirements in composer.json from hoa packages to the corresponding forked packages: there is no need to change something in the codebase.

If you use someone's package, that requires hoa – simply add forks to your project root composer.json: we have marked forks as a replacement, so composer will install them instead of the original packages.


We've forked from the latest hoa package versions and bump own versions starting from 1.0.


Before running the test suites, the development dependencies must be installed:

$ composer install

Then, to run all the test suites:

$ vendor/bin/hoa test:run

For more information, please read the contributor guide.

Quick usage

We propose a quick overview of how to list the current tree of the protocol, how to resolve a hoa:// path and finally how to add a new node in this tree.

Explore resources

First of all, to get the instance of the hoa:// protocol, you should use the static getInstance method on the Hoa\Protocol\Protocol class which represents the root of the protocol tree:

echo Hoa\Protocol\Protocol::getInstance();

 * Might output:
 *   Application
 *     Public
 *   Data
 *     Etc
 *       Configuration
 *       Locale
 *     Lost+found
 *     Temporary
 *     Variable
 *       Cache
 *       Database
 *       Log
 *       Private
 *       Run
 *       Test
 *   Library

We see that there is 3 “sub-roots”:

  1. Application, representing resources of the application, like public files (in the Public node), models, resources… everything related to the application,
  2. Data, representing data required by the application, like configuration files, locales, databases, tests etc.
  3. Library, representing all Hoa's libraries.

Thus, hoa://Library/Protocol/README.md represents the abstract path to this real file. No matter where you are on the disk, this path will always be valid and pointing to this file. This becomes useful in an application where you would like to access to a configuration file like this hoa://Data/Etc/Configuration/Foo.php: Maybe the Data directory does not exist, maybe the Etc or Configuration directories do not exist neither, but each node of the hoa:// tree resolves to a valid directory which contains your Foo.php configuration file. This is an abstract path for a resource.

Resolving a path

We can either resolve a path by using the global resolve function or the Hoa\Protocol\Protocol::resolve method:


 * Might output:
 *     string(37) "/usr/local/lib/Hoa/Protocol/README.md"

Register new nodes in the tree

The hoa:// protocol is a tree. Thus, to add a new “component”/“directory” in this tree, we must create a node and register it as a child of an existing node. Thus, in the following example we will create a Usb node, pointing to the /Volumes directory, and we will add it as a new sub-root, so an immediate child of the root:

$protocol   = Hoa\Protocol\Protocol::getInstance();
$protocol[] = new Hoa\Protocol\Node('Usb', '/Volumes/');

Here we are. Now, resolving hoa://Usb/StickA might point to /Volumes/StickA (if exists):


 * Might output:
 *     string(15) "/Volumes/StickA"


The hack book of Hoa\Protocol contains detailed information about how to use this library and how it works.

To generate the documentation locally, execute the following commands:

$ composer require --dev hoa/devtools
$ vendor/bin/hoa devtools:documentation --open

More documentation can be found on the project's website: hoa-project.net.

Getting help

There are mainly two ways to get help:


Do you want to contribute? Thanks! A detailed contributor guide explains everything you need to know.


Hoa is under the New BSD License (BSD-3-Clause). Please, see LICENSE for details.