
Proxy for accessing protected/private class members.

v1.3 2020-06-20 10:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-20 20:04:02 UTC


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Simple proxy for accessing protected/private class members.

It's intention is to give unit tests access to private members without reinventing the wheel.

This helper uses closures to access private members of a class instead of reflection.


composer require hakito/publisher


Guess you have a class with private members:

class Target
    private $foo = 'secret';
    private function bar($arg) { return $arg . 'Bar'; }

    private static $sFoo = 'staticSecret';

Create the proxy to access these members:

$target = new Target();
$published = new hakito\Publisher\Published($target);

// Get private property
$property = $published->foo;
// $property = 'secret';

// Set private property
$published->foo = 'outsider';
// $target->foo = 'outsider';

// call private method
$name = $published->bar('Saloon');
// $name = 'SaloonBar';

// Optional you can provide a base class in the constructor
class Derived extends Target {
    private $foo = 'derived';

$derived = new Derived();
$published = new hakito\Publisher\Published($derived, Target::class);
$property = $published->foo; // Gets property from Target
// $property = 'secret';

Accessing static members

If you want to access static fields or methods you have to use the class StaticPublished

$published = new StaticPublished(Target::class);

$property = $published->sFoo;
// $property = 'staticSecret'

Setting fields and calling methods works the same as for instances.


The published method call cannot set a reference argument.

class Target
    private function methodWithReferenceArgument(&$arg) { $arg = 'hi'; }

$target = new Target();
$published = new hakito\Publisher\Published($target);
$val = 'initial';
// $val is still 'initial'

The return value from method call cannot be a reference

class Target
    private $_member = [];
    private function &methodWithReferenceReturnValue($arg) { return $this->_member; }

$target = new Target();
$published = new hakito\Publisher\Published($target);
$val = 'initial';
$published->methodWithReferenceReturnValue($val)['new'] = 'value';
// Target::_member is still []