
PHP Substrate RPC Api

v1.0.2 2024-10-17 03:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 04:03:49 UTC


PHP Substrate RPC Api



If you want to install php-substrate-api in an existing project

composer require gmajor/php-substrate-api

if it is a new project

mkdir new_project && cd new_project  && composer init --stability=dev && composer require gmajor/php-substrate-api

Basic Usage


Codec supports PSR-4 autoloaders.

# When installed via composer
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';


  • Generate HTTP|Websocket Client
use Rpc\SubstrateRpc;
// http client
$httpClient = new SubstrateRpc("");
// websocket client 
$websocketClient = new SubstrateRpc("wss://");
$websocketClient->close(); // close websocket connection
  • Read RPC Data
use Rpc\SubstrateRpc;
$client = new SubstrateRpc("wss://");

// call any json rpc you can use $client->rpc->{$pallet_name}->{$method}, like
// call rpc system_health 
$res = $client->rpc->system->health(); 
var_dump($res); #{"peers": 31, "isSyncing": false, "shouldHavePeers": true}
// or call rpc chain_getFinalizedHead

$client->close(); // do not forget close websocket connection !
  • Hasher

We currently support 6 hash methods, including Blake2_128,Blake2_256,Twox128,Twox256,Twox64Concat,Blake2_128Concat。

use Rpc\Hasher\Hasher;

$hasher = new Hasher();
// Blake2_128
$hasher->ByHasherName("Blake2_128", "20be52a5a80cad065651ec35fcb1a212bc669aabb52d68d8780a41e29ec9c83e");
// Blake2_256
$hasher->ByHasherName("Blake2_256", "20be52a5a80cad065651ec35fcb1a212bc669aabb52d68d8780a41e29ec9c83e")
// Twox128
$hasher->TwoxHash("Key", 128)
// Twox128
$hasher->TwoxHash("Sudo", 256)
// XXHash64
$hasher->XXHash64(0, "test");
// Twox64Concat
$hasher->ByHasherName("Twox64Concat", "0xad2ecd66275a1ded")
//  Blake2_128Concat
$hasher->ByHasherName("Blake2_128Concat", "20be")
  • Storage key

When you access storage using Substrate RPC(like rpc state_getStorage , you need to provide the key associated with the item,

use Rpc\StorageKey;

use Codec\Base;
use Codec\ScaleBytes;
use Codec\Types\ScaleInstance;
use Rpc\StorageKey;

$codec = new ScaleInstance(Base::create());
$metadataV14RawValue = "...." //  from json rpc state_getMetadata
$metadata = $codec->process("metadata", new ScaleBytes($metadataV14RawValue))["metadata"];
// storage key
$hasher = new Hasher();
print_r(StorageKey::encode($hasher,"Timestamp", "now", $metadata, []));
// Staking.Bonded storage key with param accountId
print_r(StorageKey::encode($hasher,"System", "Account", $metadata, ["0x1c79a5ada2ff0d55aaa65dfeaf0cba667babf312f9bf100444279b34cd769e49"]))
  • Json RPC

RPC methods that are Remote Calls available by default and allow you to interact with the actual node, query, and submit.

// On the api, these are exposed via <client>.rpc.<module>.<method>, like this 
$client->rpc->system->health(); // for rpc system_health
$client->rpc->author->rotateKeys(); // for rpc author_rotateKeys
$client->rpc->state->getMetadata("hash"); // for rpc state_getMetadata

All rpc interface has been declare at

More detailed RPC documentation can be found at

  • Send extrinsics

Below is a simple example of sending a token, you can use tx.. to send any transaction

use Rpc\KeyPair\KeyPair;
use Rpc\SubstrateRpc;
$AliceSeed = "0xe5be9a5092b81bca64be81d212e7f2f9eba183bb7a90954f7b76361f6edb5c0a";
$BobId = ["Id" => "8eaf04151687736326c9fea17e25fc5287613693c912909cb226aa4794f26a48"];
$wsClient = new SubstrateRpc($endpoint);
$hasher = new Hasher();
$wsClient->setSigner(KeyPair::initKeyPair("sr25519", $AliceSeed, $hasher),$hasher);
$tx = $wsClient->tx;
$result = $tx->Balances->transfer($BobId, 12345);
var_dump($result); // transaction hash

// if you want waiting transaction exec, you can set tx with option
$tx->withOpt(["subscribe" => true]);
$result = $tx->Balances->transfer($BobId, 12345);
var_dump($result); // Will not return until execution is complete


The Keyring allows you to perform operations on these keys (such as sign/verify) and never exposes the secretKey

to the outside world. Support ed25519(Edwards or sr25519( schnorrkel

use Rpc\KeyPair\KeyPair;
$keyPair = KeyPair::initKeyPair("sr25519|ed25519", {$secretKey}, new Hasher());
// signed msg
$signature = $keyPair->sign("msg");
// verify this message
$keyPair->verify($signature, "123");


Metadata support

The metadata is used to describe a contract in a language agnostic way. Metadata can declare the storage and executable methods and types contained in the contract

We currently support ink metadata v0,v1,v2,v3,v4.

use Rpc\Contract\Abi\Convert;
use Codec\Base;
use Codec\Types\ScaleInstance;
$content = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/ink/ink_v0.json'), true);
$metadata = Convert::toLatest($content); // convert metadata to latest version
// reg metadata types
$scale = new ScaleInstance(Base::create());
$metadata->register_type($scale->getGenerator(), "some_prefix");

Deploy contract

After declaring a Contract class, you can call the new method to create a contract.

About how to build ink contract, you can refer to this

Below is an example.

use Rpc\KeyPair\KeyPair;
use Rpc\SubstrateRpc;
use Rpc\Contract;

$wsClient = new SubstrateRpc($endpoint);
// set deployer keyring
$hasher = new Hasher();
$wsClient->setSigner(KeyPair::initKeyPair("sr25519",$seed, $hasher),$hasher);
$contract = new Contract($wsClient->tx);
// $inputData = constructor_selector + encode(args...)
$result = $contract->new($contract_code, $inputData); // with default option

# If you need to additionally set the gas limit and storageDepositLimit, you can set it like this
$result = $contract->new($contract_code, $inputData,[], ["gasLimit"=>100000,"storageDepositLimit"=>50000]); // with default option

Read Contract state

Reading the storage on the contract does not consume any gas, so anyone can read the contract.

You can simply read the contract through $contract->state->{$method}($param1,$param2)

use Rpc\KeyPair\KeyPair;
use Rpc\SubstrateRpc;
use Rpc\Contract;
use Rpc\Contract\ContractExecResult;

$wsClient = new SubstrateRpc($endpoint);
// set signer
$hasher = new Hasher();
$wsClient->setSigner(KeyPair::initKeyPair("sr25519", $seed, $hash),$hash);
// get abi
$v4 = ContractMetadataV4::to_obj(json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/ink/ink_v4.json'), true));
// register contract type
$v4->register_type($wsClient->tx->codec->getGenerator(), "testAbiMetadataV4Parse");

// read contract
$contract = new Contract($wsClient->tx, $contractAddress, $v4);
// call get method
$execResult = $contract->state->get();
// parse exec Result
$result =ContractExecResult::getDecodeResult($execResult, $wsClient->tx->codec)

Send Contract transaction

Sending contract transactions is very similar to executing extrinsic. You can simply exec the contract through $contract->call->{$method}($param1,$param2,$option=[])

use Rpc\KeyPair\KeyPair;
use Rpc\SubstrateRpc;
use Rpc\Contract;
$wsClient = new SubstrateRpc($endpoint);
// set signer
$hasher = new Hasher();
$wsClient->setSigner(KeyPair::initKeyPair("sr25519", $this->AliceSeed, $hasher),$hasher);

// register contract type
$v4 = ContractMetadataV4::to_obj(json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/ink/ink_v4.json'), true));
$v4->register_type($wsClient->tx->codec->getGenerator(), "testAbiMetadataV4Parse");

// send contract transaction
$contract = new Contract($wsClient->tx, $contractAddress, $v4);
$result = $contract->call->flip([]); // with default option

// If you need to additionally set the gas limit and storageDepositLimit, you can set it like this
$result = $contract->call->flip(["storageDepositLimit"=>$limit,["gasLimit"=>["refTime"=>$refTime,"proofSize"=>$proofSize]] ]); 
print_r($result);// extrinsic_hash

Generate contract address

Since the address algorithm of the contract is fixed, it is easy to calculate the deployed contract address

use Rpc\Hasher\Hasher;
use Rpc\Contract\Address;
use Codec\Base;
use Codec\Types\ScaleInstance;
$hasher = new Hasher();
$codec = new ScaleInstance(Base::create());
$bytes = $codec->createTypeByTypeString("bytes");
Address::GenerateAddress($hasher, $deployer, $codeHash, $bytes->encode($inputData), $bytes->encode($salt)));


More examples can refer to the test file


make test


FFI error FFI\Exception: Failed loading '../php-substrate-api/vendor/gmajor/sr25519-bindings/src/Crypto/'

The current default sr25519-bindings FFI is for mac. Unfortunately, php composer currently does not support automatic compilation after install, so manual compilation is required. You can run this script

## For darwin
cd vendor/gmajor/sr25519-bindings/go && go build -buildmode=c-shared -o ../src/Crypto/sr25519.dylib .
## For linux 
cd vendor/gmajor/sr25519-bindings/go && go build -buildmode=c-shared -o ../src/Crypto/ . 

WebSocket\ConnectionException: Could not open socket to ""

In the test,The keyPair used in the test process is //Alice, ws:// is used by default as the node for testing SendTransaction. This node can start any private network settings by itself. You can also set the node address through environment variables.

export RPC_URL=ws://....

gmajor/php-substrate-api v0.1.0 requires textalk/websocket dev-master -> found xxxx but it does not match your minimum-stability

You need set minimum-stability like this "minimum-stability": "dev" in composer.



The package is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License