
Keycloak middleware

v1.2.2 2025-02-20 12:29 UTC


PSR-15 middleware for CERN Keycloak authentication.


Install using Composer:

composer require glance-project/keycloak-middleware

If using Apache add the following to the .htaccess file. Otherwise PHP wont have access to Authorization: Bearer header.

RewriteRule .* - [env=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

Getting started

To use this library, you will need to have an application registered on Application Portal. If you do not know what this mean, refer to the CERN Authorization Service documentation

With your application registered, you will need the Client ID and Client Secret.


This middleware can be used with any framework compatible with PSR-7 and PSR-15. On the following examples, Slim will be used.

There are 2 mandatory arguments for the middleware creation: Client ID and Client Secret.


use Glance\KeycloakMiddleware\KeycloakMiddleware;

$app = new \Slim\App();

$keycloakMiddleware = KeycloakMiddleware::create(


After authentication, the user will be injected to the request. You can access it via the keycloak-user attribute.

$user = $request->getAttribute("keycloak-user");
$personId = $user->personId();
$body = "User Person ID: {$personId}";



The optional paths parameter allows you to specify the protected part of your API. You do not need to specify each URL. Instead think of path setting as a folder. In the example below everything starting with /api/private will be authenticated. If you do not define paths all routes will be protected.


use Glance\KeycloakMiddleware\KeycloakMiddleware;

$app = new \Slim\App();

$keycloakMiddleware = KeycloakMiddleware::create(


Pass through

With optional passThrough parameter you can make exceptions to paths parameter. In the example below everything starting with /api will be authenticated with the exception of /api/public which will not be authenticated.


use Glance\KeycloakMiddleware\KeycloakMiddleware;

$app = new \Slim\App();

$keycloakMiddleware = KeycloakMiddleware::create(


Keycloak Provider

Optionally, you can provide your own instance of Glance\CernAuthentication\KeycloakProvider through the create() method.


use Glance\KeycloakMiddleware\KeycloakMiddleware;

$app = new \Slim\App();

$keycloakProvider = KeycloakProvider(/* ... */);

$keycloakMiddleware = KeycloakMiddleware::create(


After authenticate

Optionally, you can provide a function which is called after the user is authenticated. This is useful for getting user information on the scope outside the middleware.


use Glance\CernAuthentication\User;
use Glance\KeycloakMiddleware\KeycloakMiddleware;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;

$app = new \Slim\App();

$keycloakProvider = KeycloakProvider(/* ... */);

$keycloakMiddleware = KeycloakMiddleware::create(
    function (ServerRequestInterface $request, User $user) {
        echo $user->personId();



Access are essentially passwords. You should treat them as such and you should always use HTTPS. If the middleware detects insecure usage over HTTP it will throw an InsecureRequestException. This rule is relaxed for requests on localhost and


First, it is important to know the difference between authentication and authorization.

In simple terms, authentication is the process of verifying who a user is, while authorization is the process of verifying what they have access to.

For authentication, use the second middleware provided by this library: RoleAuthorizationMiddleware. It checks the roles from the user. Roles are defined on the Application Portal and can be linked to groups.

The authorization middleware can be added to specific routes:


use Glance\KeycloakMiddleware\KeycloakMiddleware;
use Glance\KeycloakMiddleware\RoleAuthorizationMiddleware;

$app = new \Slim\App();

// Add authentication middleware
$keycloakMiddleware = KeycloakMiddleware::create(

// Define routes and add authorization middleware
$app->get("/members", /* route logic */)


Any of roles

Checks if the user has at least one of the defined roles. It uses the OR operator.


use Glance\KeycloakMiddleware\RoleAuthorizationMiddleware;

$app = new \Slim\App();

// Add authentication middleware here

// To access this route, user must be 'common-user' OR 'visitor'
$app->get("/members", /* route logic */)
    ->add(RoleAuthorizationMiddleware::anyOfRoles([ "common-user", "visitor" ]));

All of roles

Checks if the user has all the defined roles. It uses the AND operator.


use Glance\KeycloakMiddleware\KeycloakMiddleware;
use Glance\KeycloakMiddleware\RoleAuthorizationMiddleware;

$app = new \Slim\App();

// Add authentication middleware here

// To access this route, user must be 'team-leader' AND 'active-user'
$app->get("/members", /* route logic */)
    ->add(RoleAuthorizationMiddleware::allOfRoles([ "team-leader", "active-user" ]));

Must have role

Checks if the user has an specific role.


use Glance\KeycloakMiddleware\KeycloakMiddleware;
use Glance\KeycloakMiddleware\RoleAuthorizationMiddleware;

$app = new \Slim\App();

// Add authentication middleware here

// To access this route, user must be 'admin'
$app->get("/members", /* route logic */)


If you use this library in combination withGlance error handler middleware, the validation errors will automatically be converted to proper HTTP responses.


use Glance\KeycloakMiddleware\KeycloakMiddleware;

$app = new \Slim\App();

$ErrorMiddleware = new \Glance\ErrorMiddleware\ErrorMiddleware(/* ... */);

$keycloakMiddleware = KeycloakMiddleware::create(


An example of error response from the previous setup:

    "errors": [
            "status": 401,
            "title": "Invalid authentication token.",
            "detail": "Authentication token introspection failed."