Kirby Geo

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1.0.2 2022-10-05 10:20 UTC

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Last update: 2024-09-12 15:13:41 UTC


This plugin adds basic geo search and conversion functionalities to Kirby

Geo Class Option

Geo::point($lat, $lng)

Creates a new Kirby Geo Point


Geo::point(49.4883333, 8.4647222);
Geo::point('49.4883333, 8.4647222');
Geo::point([49.4883333, 8.4647222]);
Geo::point(['lat' => 49.4883333, 'lng' => 8.4647222]);

Afterwards you can get the latitude and longitude values of the point like this:

$point = Geo::point(49.4883333, 8.4647222);
echo $point->lat();
echo $point->lng();

Geo::distance($pointA, $pointB)

Returns the distance between two geo points.

$mannheim = Geo::point(49.4883333, 8.4647222);
$hamburg  = Geo::point(53.553436, 9.992247);

echo 'The distance between Mannheim and Hamburg is: ' . Geo::distance($mannheim, $hamburg);

You can also return the distance in miles instead of kilometers

echo 'The distance between Mannheim and Hamburg is: ' . Geo::distance($mannheim, $hamburg, 'mi');

Geo::niceDistance($pointA, $pointB)

Returns the distance between two geo points in a human readable way (i.e. 461.32 km)

$mannheim = Geo::point(49.4883333, 8.4647222);
$hamburg  = Geo::point(53.553436, 9.992247);

echo 'The distance between Mannheim and Hamburg is: ' . Geo::niceDistance($mannheim, $hamburg);

You can also return the "nice distance" in miles instead of kilometers

echo 'The distance between Mannheim and Hamburg is: ' . Geo::niceDistance($mannheim, $hamburg, 'mi');


Converts kilometers into miles:

echo Geo::kilometersToMiles(1000);


Converts miles into kilometers:

echo Geo::milesToKilometers(1000);

Radius Filter

The plugin automatically adds a new filter for all collections, which can be used to do a radius search:

$addresses = page('addresses')->children()->filterBy('location', 'radius', [
  'lat'    => 49.4883333,
  'lng'    => 8.4647222,
  'radius' => 10

To make this work, the location field for each address page must be in the following format:

location: {lat},{lng}

or with a real life example:

location: 49.4883333,8.4647222

You can also filter in miles

$addresses = page('addresses')->children()->filterBy('location', 'radius', [
  'lat'    => 49.4883333,
  'lng'    => 8.4647222,
  'radius' => 10,
  'unit'   => 'mi'

Field Methods

The plugin also adds a set of field methods, which can be handy to work with locations


Converts a field with the value format {lat},{lng} into a valid Kirby Geo Point Object:



Calculates the distance between a location field and another Kirby Geo Point:

$hamburg = Geo::point(53.553436, 9.992247);

echo $page->location()->distance($hamburg);

Of course you can run this in miles again:

$hamburg = Geo::point(53.553436, 9.992247);

echo $page->location()->distance($hamburg, 'mi');


Returns the distance in a more human friendly format:

$hamburg = Geo::point(53.553436, 9.992247);

echo $page->location()->niceDistance($hamburg);

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Bastian Allgeier