
PHP Date Language Tool

0.1.7 2024-06-12 19:32 UTC


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PHP Date Language Tool

A simple parser generator for reading, processing, or translating regular date language formats.


To convert a Strptime to MySQL date format:


use PDLT\CompilationMap\MySQL as MySQLCompilationMap;
use PDLT\Compiler;
use PDLT\Converter;
use PDLT\Grammar\Strptime as StrptimeGrammar;
use PDLT\Parser;

// Build Strptime to MySQL date format converter using Strptime date format
// parser and MySQL date format Compiler.
$strptime_parser = new Parser(new StrptimeGrammar());
$mysql_compiler = new Compiler(new MySQLCompilationMap());
$converter = new Converter($strptime_parser, $mysql_compiler);

// Convert a Strptime date format.
echo $converter->convert('%-m/%-d/%y');
// Output: "%c/%e/%y".

Supported Date Format Languages

Supported Input Formats

Supported Output Formats