
Very easy way to generate a preferences page for applications that have multiple components and packages.

2.4 2023-11-13 03:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 06:25:01 UTC


This package to generate a preferences page to the application, specially if you have many component that have a different settings and you want to store it in the database and use it by default config functions of laravel.


  1. Download the package
  • command line:

composer require geniusts/preferences

  • or add it to composer file:
    "require": {
        "geniusts/preferences": "^2.0"

and run: composer update

  1. Service Provider
  • If you are using Laravel >=5.5 and the auto-discover is enabled, no need to do anything.
  • If your Laravel <5.5 or you disabled auto-discover add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php

Note: If you are using Laravel 5.5 or greater no need to add it, It will auto discove

  1. Controller And Migrations

Publish the package Controller file to your application. Run these commands:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="GeniusTS\Preferences\PreferencesServiceProvider" --tag=controller

You can also publish views and migrations by the following commands:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="GeniusTS\Preferences\PreferencesServiceProvider" --tag=views
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="GeniusTS\Preferences\PreferencesServiceProvider" --tag=migrations

No need to publish the migrations files just run migrate command to execute the migrations.

php artisan migrate

If you want to use DB transaction while saving the data, add protected $transactions = true; to SettingsController.

  1. Routes and views

Add two routes to you routes file:

Route::get('/settings/{preferences_domain?}', 'SettingsController@edit')
    ->midllware(//Apply your middleware)
Route::patch('/settings/{preferences_domain?}/{preferences_element?}', 'SettingsController@update')
    ->midllware(//Apply your middleware)

Now you have to create a preferences.settings view with your app layout and include the geniusts_preferences::settings view.



Creating settings tab

  1. create a view of the settings: Ex.: settings/general.blade.php
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-12">
            <div class="form-group">
                <label> Test </label>
                <div class="input-group">
                    <div class="input-group-addon">
                        <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-alert"></i>
                    <input class="form-control" 
                           value="{{ old('general.project_name', config('preferences.general.project_name')) }}">
  1. Register the tab to PreferencesManager
    use GeniusTS\Preferences\Models\Domain;
    use GeniusTS\Preferences\Models\Element;
    // Create a settings Domain
    // Domain(string $key, View $view, string $label)
    // you can use label like 'labels.general', because the view execute "trans" function
    $domain = new Domain('general', view('settings.general'), 'General');
    // Add the inputs names and validation rules
    // Element(string $name, mixed $rules)
    $domain->addElement(new Element('project_name', 'required|max:255'));
    // OR for array values
    $domain->addElement(new Element('options', ['options' => 'array', 'options.*' => 'required|integer']));
    // register the Domain to the Preferences manager
    $manager = resolve('preferences'); // or app('preferences') for versions older than 5.3

You can register the domains in the boot function of your package service provider.

Access saved settings

Use the default config function or Config class to get the values of your settings: config('preferences.{domain}.{element}')


Migration from version 1

  1. update inputs name inside preferences views. Ex: You have a general domain that have project_name element, then the input name should be general[project_name].

  2. Update declaration of edit and handleSuccessResponse methods of SettingsController inside your project.

   public function edit($domain = null) {
        // Logic here
    protected function handleSuccessResponse($domain, $element) {
        // Logic here    


This package is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.