
Develop and run automated tests against a mock API.

1.2.1 2020-08-08 20:52 UTC


Have an application that depends on an API but is too much of a burden on testing? Replace your API with a mock API using this package and mock requests on the fly.

How to install

composer require genesis/mock-api
make -f ./vendor/genesis/mock-api/Makefile build
make mockapi-install

Start mock-api:

make mockapi-up

Test that the mock API is running:


Stop mock-api:

make mockapi-down

Find more commands in the generated Makefile.

Static mocks

You can add your static routes (ones that will be available as soon as you boot up the mock API) in the staticMocks folder. The data format is defined below and example request already exists.

Dynamic mocks

To mock a request POST your mocking request to /mocks with mockData json. Example mock request:

# POST /mocks
    "mockData": {
        "url": "/user/abc123",
        "get": [{
            "body": {
                "id": "abc123",
                "name": "Wahab Qureshi"

You can override a static mock with a dynamic one. Purging the mocks will revert the back to the static mock.

Full mock data options:

    "mockData": {
        "url": "/user/abc123",
        "get": [{
            "with": "/abc123/",
            "response_code": 301,
            "headers": {"lola": "123", "baby boo": "dudu"},
            "body": {
                "id": "abc123",
                "name": "Wahab Qureshi"
            "proxy": {
                "url": "",
                "headers": {
                    "app-token": "88374783847"
            "consecutive_responses": [{
                "response_code": 205,
                "body": {
                    "id": "abc123",
                    "name": "Wahab Qureshi"
            }, {
                "response_code": 500,
                "body": "internal server error"

mockData (object): Contains mock request information.

mockData.url (string): The URL to mock, can be an existing statically mocked URL.

mockData.<METHOD> ([]object): The method to mock for the URL.

mockData.<METHOD>.with (?string): A regex pattern to be applied to the URL optionally.

mockData.<METHOD>.response_code (?int): The response code to return optionally.

mockData.<METHOD>.headers (?object): The headers to return.

mockData.<METHOD>.body (mixed): The response content.

mockData.<METHOD>.consecutive_responses (?[]object): On consecutive calls return one after the other. Supports response_code, headers and body.

mockData.<METHOD>.proxy (?object): Proxy the response through another URL.

View mocked endpoints

View existing mock requests by visiting /mocks

Purge dynamic mocks

To purge all dynamic mocks created send GET request to /mocks?purge=true


Running tests is just a case of running the behat tests:
