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A generator for immutable Value Objects

3.1.1 2020-03-03 15:44 UTC


Upgrade notes for V0 to V1

Everything is a model

There is no longer a strong bias toward Event Sourcing so the concept of events, commands, queries and deltas has been removed and the onus of implementing these placed on the types/template library.

The practical upshots of this change are as follows:

events, commands, queries and deltas

  • Top level items for events, commands, queries and deltas have been removed; every model lives under the model top-level item
  • When creating events, commands, queries and deltas there is no deltas property; use must define children models that happen to implement delta behaviour
  • events, commands, queries and deltas are now dedicated types - Event, Command, Query and Delta respectively

Seeding models from Prooph meta data

The Event, Command, Query and Delta types include a fromMetaDataKey property that allows you to define a Prooph metadata key to seed from

- name: ExampleEvent
  type: Event
    - name: ExampleEventAggregateId
      type: Uuid
      propertyName: id
      fromMetaDataKey: _aggregateId

Deltas seeded with the root payload

Deltas can no longer automatically receive the root payload of a command/event.

In V0 you could optionally supply a useRootData flag in the definition which meant the delta received the entire payload of the event or command rather than just its specific property. This is no longer possible.

In order to re-create this behaviour you can bundle up the necessary properties within the Prooph resolver and add a fabricated array property to the command/events payload.

Sets no longer accept child models

In V0 sets would require a single child model which inferred the type of contents the Set would accept. This is no longer possible.

In V1 you must explicitly define the type of model a Set can contain by setting the modelToEnforce property. This property must reference a valid model.

- name: OrganisationalUnitId
  type: Uuid

- name: OrganisationalUnitIds
  type: Set
  modelToEnforce: OrganisationalUnitId


Decorators have had a overhaul:

  • you can now have multiple decorators per model
  • you do not define their target, i.e. the nullDecorator, nonNUllDecorator and nullableDecerator properties are defunct
  • they are hook based, allowing decorators to be tied into different actions within a model

Available hooks:

  • constructor - executes during the constructor of a model and receives all arguments used to instantiate the object
- path: Funeralzone\FAS\Common\ValueObjects\Decorators\DecoratorOne
  - type: constructor
    method: methodToCallOnConstructOne
- path: Funeralzone\FAS\Common\ValueObjects\Decorators\DecoratorTwo
  - type: constructor
    method: methodToCallOnConstructTwo

Example definition

namespace: ValueObjects


  # External models
  # ==========================

  - name: EntityId
    type: String
    namespace: Funeralzone\FAS\DomainEntities
      fromNative: "'1'"
      constructor: "'1'"

  # Data models
  # ==========================
  - name: TenantId
    type: Uuid
  - name: BereavedId
    type: Uuid

  - name: ContactId
    type: Uuid

  - name: DirectoryListingId
    type: Uuid

  - name: MediaId
    type: String
    - path: Funeralzone\FAS\Common\ValueObjects\Decorators\MediaIdDecoratorTrait
      - type: constructor
        method: decoratorConstruct

  - name: MediaUploadRequestId
    type: String

  - name: ProductId
    type: Uuid

  - name: ServiceId
    type: Uuid

  - name: StaffMemberId
    type: Uuid

  - name: PackageId
    type: Uuid

  # Telephones
  # --------------------------

  - name: TelephoneNumber
    type: String

  - name: TelephoneCountryCode
    type: String

  - name: Telephone
    type: Telephone

  - name: TelephoneType
    type: Enum
      - WORK
      - HOME
      - MOBILE
      - FAX

  # Address
  # --------------------------

  - name: AddressLine1
    type: String

  - name: AddressLine2
    type: String

  - name: Town
    type: String

  - name: County
    type: String

  - name: PostCode
    type: String

  - name: CountryCode
    type: ISOAlpha2CountryCode

  - name: GeoLocation
    type: Composite
      - name: AddressData
        type: String
        propertyName: data
      - name: Geometry
        type: Composite
        propertyName: geometry
          - name: Latitude
            type: Float
            propertyName: lat
            - path: Funeralzone\FAS\Common\ValueObjects\Decorators\LatitudeDecoratorTrait
              - type: constructor
                method: decoratorConstruct
              fromNative: '50.9'
              constructor: '50.9'
          - name: Longitude
            type: Float
            propertyName: lng
              fromNative: '50.9'
              constructor: '50.9'
            - path: Funeralzone\FAS\Common\ValueObjects\Decorators\LongitudeDecoratorTrait
              - type: constructor
                method: decoratorConstruct

  # Identity interface
  # --------------------------

  - name: IdentityInterfacePolicyMembership
    type: String

  - name: IdentityInterfacePolicyScope
    type: String

  - name: IdentityInterface
    type: Composite
      - name: IdentityInterfaceType
        type: Enum
        propertyName: type
          - STAFF_MEMBER
          - DEVELOPER
      - name: IdentityInterfaceName
        type: String
        propertyName: name
      - name: IdentityInterfaceImage
        type: String
        propertyName: image
      - name: IdentityInterfaceEmail
        type: Email
        propertyName: email
      - name: IdentityInterfacePolicy
        type: Composite
        propertyName: policy
          - name: IdentityInterfacePolicyMemberships
            type: Set
            propertyName: memberships
            modelToEnforce: IdentityInterfacePolicyMembership

          - name: IdentityInterfacePolicyScopes
            type: Set
            propertyName: scopes
            modelToEnforce: IdentityInterfacePolicyScope

  # Other
  # --------------------------

  - name: Note
    type: Entity
    - name: EntityId
      propertyName: id
    - name: NoteTimeCreated
      type: RFC3339
      propertyName: timeCreated
    - name: NoteContent
      type: String
      propertyName: content
    - name: NoteAuthorId
      type: Uuid
      propertyName: authorId

  - name: Notes
    type: EntitySet
    modelToEnforce: Note

  - name: Name
    type: Composite
      - name: NameTitle
        type: String
        propertyName: title
      - name: GivenName
        type: String
        propertyName: givenName
      - name: FamilyName
        type: String
        propertyName: familyName

  - name: PersonPhone
    type: TelephoneContact
    - WORK
    - HOME
    - MOBILE
    - FAX

  - name: PersonEmail
    type: Email

  - name: Person
    type: Composite
      - name: Name
        propertyName: name

      - name: PersonAddress
        type: Address
        propertyName: address

      - name: PersonPhones
        type: Set
        propertyName: phones
        modelToEnforce: PersonPhone

      - name: PersonEmails
        type: Set
        propertyName: emails
        modelToEnforce: PersonEmail

      - name: MediaId
        propertyName: image

  - name: DirectoryListingIds
    type: Set
    modelToEnforce: DirectoryListingId

  - name: OrganisationalUnitId
    type: Uuid

  - name: OrganisationalUnitIds
    type: Set
    modelToEnforce: OrganisationalUnitId

  - name: EstimateId
    type: Uuid

  - name: EstimateIds
    type: Set
    modelToEnforce: EstimateId

  - name: Tag
    type: String
    - path: Funeralzone\FAS\Common\ValueObjects\Decorators\TagDecoratorTrait
      - type: constructor
        method: decoratorConstruct

  - name: Tags
    type: Set
    - path: Funeralzone\FAS\Common\ValueObjects\Decorators\TagsDecoratorTrait
    modelToEnforce: Tag

  - name: PaginationInput
    type: Composite
      - name: PaginationInputPage
        type: Integer
        propertyName: page
      - name: PaginationInputNodesPerPage
        type: Integer
        propertyName: nodesPerPage

  - name: StaffRoleId
    type: Uuid

  - name: StaffRoleIds
    type: Set
    modelToEnforce: StaffRoleId

  - name: DeveloperId
    type: Uuid

  - name: DeveloperIds
    type: Set
    modelToEnforce: DeveloperId

  - name: PersonDelta
    type: Delta
      - name: Name
        propertyName: name
      - name: PersonAddress
        propertyName: address
      - name: PersonPhones
        propertyName: phones
      - name: PersonEmails
        propertyName: emails
      - name: MediaId
        propertyName: image