
Display friendly message in CMS on pages where user has no edit perm, rather than read-only form.

1.0.0 2024-07-23 04:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-23 04:46:34 UTC


Display friendly message in CMS on pages where user has no edit perm, rather than read-only form.

Includes replacing page History interface with message too.

To implement:

  is_no_edit_message_enabled: true    # default: true

And the following must be added to your Page

public function getCMSFields()
    if ($this->doShowNoEditMessage() && Controller::curr() instanceof LeftAndMain) {
        return $this->getNoEditCMSFields();
    # ... any other regular code.

public function getSettingsFields()
    if ($this->doShowNoEditMessage() && Controller::curr() instanceof LeftAndMain) {
        return $this->getNoEditCMSFields();
    # ... any other regular code.

Hooks are in place to amend the message, the tab path and fields, and even the trigger for when to display this (OOTB this applies when canEdit is false).