This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) to enforce FunPlus coding conventions

v1.1.1 2016-04-21 06:36 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2017-01-30 07:51:26 UTC


Build Status

This project is a collection of PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) to validate code developed for FunPlus.



Standards can be installed with Composer dependency manager:

composer create-project fp-coding-standards/fpcs:dev-master --no-dev

Running this command will:

  1. Install FunPlus standards into fpcs directory.
  2. Install PHP_CodeSniffer.
  3. Register FunPlus standards in PHP_CodeSniffer configuration.
  4. Make phpcs command available from fpcs/vendor/bin.

For convenience of using phpcs as global command you might want to add path to fpcs/vendor/bin directory to a PATH environment of your operating system.


  1. Install PHP_CodeSniffer by following its installation instructions (via Composer, PEAR, or Git checkout).

    Do ensure, if for example you're using VVV, that PHP_CodeSniffer's version matches our requirements (you can check the required version in composer.json).

  2. Clone FunPlus standards repository:

    git clone -b master fpcs
  3. Add its path to PHP_CodeSniffer configuration:

    phpcs --config-set installed_paths /path/to/fpcs

To summarize:

cd ~/projects
git clone phpcs
git clone -b master fpcs
cd phpcs
./scripts/phpcs --config-set installed_paths ../fpcs

And then add the ~/projects/phpcs/scripts directory to your PATH environment variable via your .bashrc.

You should then see FunPlus et al listed when you run phpcs -i.

How to use

Command line

Run the phpcs command line tool on a given file or directory, for example:

phpcs --standard=FunPlus somephpfile.php

Standards subsets

The project encompasses a super–set of the sniffs that the FunPlus community may need. If you use the FunPlus standard you will get all the checks.

You can use the following as standard names when invoking phpcs to select sniffs, fitting your needs:

  • FunPlus — all of the sniffs in the project.

Using custom ruleset

If you need to further customize selection of sniffs for your project — you can create custom ruleset.xml standard. See fully annotated example in PHP_CodeSniffer documentation.
