v2.11.1 2022-08-28 13:27 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 00:46:09 UTC


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This is a Laravel Package for SMS Service Integration.

List of available drivers

How to install and config favinblockchain/notifier package?


composer require favinblockchain/notifier

Publish Config file

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=notifier

Migrate tables, to add notifier tables to database

php artisan migrate

How to use exists drivers from package

  • Set the configs in /config/notifier.php

  • Use this sample code to send sms

      Notifier::driver('{driver_name}(like ghasedak)')
            ->templateId({template_id_integer(must be defined in a seeder)})
            ->params(['param1' => 'string', ... ,'param10' => 'string'])
            ->options(['method' => '{driver_method_name}(like otp)','hasPassword' => 'if_this_message_has_password(yes or no)'])
  • Ghasedak OTP method example :

            ->params(['param1' => 'passwdsd12ds'])
            ->options(['method' => 'otp','ghasedak_template_name' => 'registration', 'hasPassword' => 'yes'])


Parameter Required Description Type Example
driver No Driver to be used string ghasedak
userId No The id of the receiver user. integer 12
templateId Yes The id of the template of the message, which, specified in your seeder.(You must create a seeder before continue, please read the seeder part) integer 14
params Yes All the parameters that you want to put in the sms template. array ['param1' => 'passwdsd12ds', 'param2' => 'my text']
options Yes It is used to set several options for each driver,a driver maybe contains it's own options. array ['method' => 'otp','ghasedak_template_name' => 'registration', 'hasPassword' => 'yes']

Template Seeder

  • Basic and standard structure :
  public function run()
                'id' => 1,
                'template_text' => 'جهت اطلاعات بیشتر به این وبسایت مراجعه کنید : [param1]',
                'created_at' => now(),
                'updated_at' => now(),
  • id : used in templateId option
  • template_text : add your parameters by number (up to 10) in your message text like [param1] or [param2]


  • PHP v7.0 or above
  • Laravel v7.0 or above
  • ghasedak/php package packagist link