
A Thumbor transformer for Imager 2019-09-18 10:58 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-18 22:48:37 UTC


A Thumbor transformer for Imager


Config options should be added to your imager-thumbor.php file in your config folder. To use Thumbor, set the transformer option to "thumbor" in your imager.php config file.

When setting up Thumbor, we recommend using the thumbor.loaders.file_loader_http_fallback loader to account for files with and without public urls (see Image loader.

domain [string]

The domain (including port) where Thumbor can be accessed.

securityKey [string]

The security key defined in your Thumbor config file. See Security.

local [bool]

Will store the file locally (or using the remote storage service defined in Imager's config file), rather than using the Thumbor URL. You will need to enable Thumbor's REST endpoint for this to work (see How to upload Images).

Transform Options

format [string]

Default: null
Allowed values: null, 'jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'webp'

Format of the created image. If unset (default) it will be the same format as the source image.

trim [bool|string]

Default: false

Removing surrounding space in images can be done using the trim option.

Unless specified trim assumes the top-left pixel color and no tolerance (more on tolerance below).

If you need to specify the orientation from where to get the pixel color, just set the value to top-left for the top-left pixel color or bottom-right for the bottom-right pixel color.

Trim also supports color tolerance. The euclidian distance between the colors of the reference pixel and the surrounding pixels is used. If the distance is within the tolerance they’ll get trimmed. For a RGB image the tolerance would be within the range 0-442.

mode [string]

Default: crop
Allowed values: crop, fit, stretch

crop: Crops the image to the given size, scaling the image to fill as much as possible of the size.
fit: Scales the image to fit within the given size while maintaining the aspect ratio of the original image.
stretch: Scales the image to the given size, stretching it if the aspect ratio is different from the original.

width [int|string]

Width of the image, in pixels.

If you omit this value or set it to 0, Thumbor will determine that dimension as to be proportional to the original image.

Set to orig to use the size of the original image. i.e. If the original image has a width of 400px, the new image will also have that width.

A negative value will flip the image. Setting '-0' (in quotes) will flip the image without resizing it.

height [int|string]

Height of the image, in pixels.

If you omit this value or set it to 0, Thumbor will determine that dimension as to be proportional to the original image.

Set to orig to use the size of the original image. i.e. If the original image has a height of 400px, the new image will also have that height.

A negative value will flip the image. Setting '-0' (in quotes) will flip the image without resizing it.

ratio [int|float]

An aspect ratio (width/height) that is used to calculate the missing size, if width or height is not provided.

{ ratio: 16/9 }

effects [array]

A keyed array of effects to perform on the image, where the key is the name of the effect and the value contains the arguments for the effect. See Effects below.

position [string|array]

The position around which to crop. Can be a string containing % locations 20% 65%, or named locations middle-right, or an array of x/y decimal locations ['x' => 0.2, 'y' => 0.65].

smart [bool]

Will use Thumbor's smart focal point detection when cropping the image.

upscale [bool]

Default: false

Will upscale the image to fit the given size if true.


autojpg [bool]

Will convert non-transparent PNG images to JPG when true.

backgroundColor [string]

Sets the background layer to the specified color. This is specifically useful when converting transparent images (PNG) to JPEG.

The value should be the color name (like in HTML) or hexadecimal rgb expression without the “#” character (see Web colors for example). If color is auto, a color will be smartly chosen (based on the image pixels) to be the filling color.

blur [int|array]

Applies a gaussian blur to the image.

Accepts a single integer as the radius of the blur, or an array matching [radius, sigma].

  • radius is used in the gaussian function to generate a matrix, maximum value is 150. The bigger the radius more blurred will be the image.
  • sigma is optional and defaults to the same value as the radius. Sigma used in the gaussian function.

brightness [int]

Increases or decreases the image brightness.

Accepts an integer from -100 to 100. The amount (in %) to change the image brightness. Positive numbers make the image brighter and negative numbers make the image darker.

contrast [int]

Increases or decreases the image contrast.

Accepts an integer from -100 to 100. The amount (in %) to change the image contrast. Positive numbers increase contrast and negative numbers decrease contrast.

convolution [array]

Runs a convolution matrix (or kernel) on the image. See Kernel (image processing) for details on the process. Edge pixels are always extended outside the image area.

Accepts an array of arguments [matrix_items, number_of_columns, should_normalize].

  • matrix_items Semicolon separated matrix items
  • number_of_columns Number of columns in the matrix
  • should_normalize Whether or not we should divide each matrix item by the sum of all items


-1 -1 -1
-1  8 -1
-1 -1 -1
{{ craft.imager.transformImage(img, {
    effects: {
        convolution: ['-1;-1;-1;-1;8;-1;-1;-1;-1', 3, false],
}) }}

equalize [bool]

Equalizes the color distribution in the image.

fill [string|array]

Will return an image sized exactly as requested wherever is its ratio by filling with chosen color the missing parts. Only works when mode is set to fit.

Accepts a string color or an array [color, fill_transparent].

  • color Accepts:
    • The color name (like in HTML) or hexadecimal RGB expression without the “#” character (see Web colors for example).
    • If color is “transparent” and the image format, supports transparency the filling color is transparent.
    • If color is “auto”, a color is smartly chosen (based on the image pixels) as the filling color.
    • If color is “blur”, the missing parts are filled with blurred original image.
  • fill_transparent Specify whether transparent areas of the image should be filled or not. Accepted values are either true, false, 1 or 0. This argument is optional and the default value is false.

grayscale [bool]

Changes the image to grayscale.

maxBytes [int]

Automatically degrades the quality of the image until the image is under the specified amount of bytes.

noise [int]

Adds noise to the image. Accepts a value between 0 - 100 as the amount (in %) of noise to add to the image.

proportion [float]

Applies proportion to height and width passed for cropping. Accepts a float between 0 - 1 as the percentage of the proportion (i.e. 0.5 would scale the image down to 50% after cropping).

quality [int]

Set the overall quality of a JPEG image (does nothing for PNGs or GIFs). Expects a value between 0 - 100 as the quality level (in %).

rgb [array]

Will change the amount of color in each of the three channels.

Accepts an array of RGB values [r, g, b] ranging from -100 to 100.

rotate [int]

Rotate the given image according to the angle value passed. Should be set to an angle between 0 - 359. Numbers greater or equal than 360 will be transformed to a equivalent angle between 0 and 359.

sharpen [array]

Enhances apparent sharpness of the image. It’s heavily based on Marco Rossini’s excellent Wavelet sharpen GIMP plugin.

Accepts an array with the following values: [sharpen_amount, sharpen_radius, luminance_only]

  • sharpen_amount - Sharpen amount. Typical values are between 0.0 and 10.0.
  • sharpen_radius - Sharpen radius. Typical values are between 0.0 and 2.0.
  • luminance_only - Sharpen only luminance channel. Values can be true or false