
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the eonx-com/currencies package instead.

ISO 4217 compatible library for handling currencies

v1.0.0 2018-11-29 04:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-11-09 03:56:17 UTC


This library allows currencies to be found by ISO4217 code or numeric identifier and formatted for display based on different locales.

This library comes in three main parts: currencies, locales and a translator.


Currencies are simple files made up of:

Property Description
Minor unit The number of decimal places the currency uses, e.g. 2 for Australian Dollar
Name The currency name, e.g. Australian Dollar
Numeric code The ISO4217 numeric code, e.g. 036 for Australian Dollar
Symbol The UTF-8 currency symbol, e.g. $

The currency class name is the ISO4217 alpha code in PSR-2 format, e.g. Aud for Australian Dollar.

Finding a currency

You can find a currency using the ISO4217 class. This class provides two methods:

Method Description
find($code): CurrencyInterface Find a currency by alpha* or numeric code
getSupportedAlphaCodes(): array Get a list of supported alpha codes

* Alpha code is case insensitive

Note: Not all currencies are currently supported, more currencies will be added as soon as possible, optionally you can open a pull request to add currencies you require.

Working with a currency

If a currency is successfully found you will recieve a currency object back with the following methods:

Method Description
getAlphaCode(): string Get the alpha code for the currency
getMinorUnit(): int Get the number of decimal places the currency uses
getName(): string Get full name for the currency
getNumericCode(): string Get the ISO4217 numeric code for the currency
getCurrencySymbol(): string Get the UTF-8 symbol for the currency


Locales are also simple files made up of:

Property Description
Identifier The IETF language tag of the locale, e.g. en-AU for Australian English
Currency format How to format a currency using symbol replacement, e.g. '-¤ #' for Australian English
Decimal separator How decimals are represented in numeric displays, e.g. period for Australian English
Negative symbol The negative symbol used by this locale, e.g. hyphen for Austrlaian English
Numeric format How to format a numeric value using symbol replacement, e.g. '-#' for Australian English
Thousands separator The separator used to group thousands together, e.g. comma for Australian English

Why not php-intl?

This code seems to duplicate what php-intl provides with the NumberFormatter class however this extension works differently on different operating systems and locales which causes formatted numbers and currencies to be inconsistent. The symfony/intl package only provides support for en-US or falls back to php-intl if it's installed which causes the same issues.

This library provides consistenty across all operating systems independently of php-intl when it comes to formatting numbers or currencies for display.

Finding a locale

You can find a currency using the Translator class. This class provides two methods:

Method Description
find($code): LocaleInterface Find a locale by IETF language code*
getSupportedLocales(): array Get a list of supported IETF language codes

* IETF is case insensitive and ignores special characters: en-au, en_AU, enAu and en((au will all resolve correctly

Note: Not all locales are currently supported, more locales will be added as soon as possible, optionally you can open a pull request to add locales you require.

Working with a locale

If a locale is successfully found you will recieve a locale object back with the following method:

Method Description
getIdentifier(): string Get the IETF language code for the current locale


The real use of this class is to format numbers and currencies based on locale, this is done via for Formatter class which provides four methods:

Method Description
currency(string $locale): string Get the amount formatted using the precision and symbol from the currency displayed based on an IETF locale language code
decimal(): string Get the amount formatted using the precision from the currency, e.g. 2 decimal places for Australian Dollar
numeric(string $locale): string Get the amount formatted using the precision from the currency displayed based on an IETF locale language code

When instantiating the formatter an amount and ISO4217 alpha or numeric code must be passed to the constructor.

 * Format a currency based on locale

// Create formatter based on bitcoin with negative value
$formatter = new \EoneoPay\Currencies\Formatter('-1.051', 'xbt');

// Australia
echo $formatter->currency('en-AU'); // -฿1,601.05100000

// China
echo $formatter->currency('zh-CN'); // -฿ 1601.05100000

// France
echo $formatter->currency('fr-FR'); // -1 601,05100000 ฿

// Netherlands
echo $formatter->currency('nl-NL'); // ฿ -1.601,05100000

// Oman
echo $formatter->currency('ar-OM'); // ؜฿ ؜-١٬٦٠١٫٠٥١٠٠٠٠٠

 * Format a number based on locale
// Create formatter based on bitcoin with positive value
$formatter = new \EoneoPay\Currencies\Formatter('1.051', 'xbt');

// Australia
echo $formatter->numeric('en-AU'); // 1,601.05100000

// China
echo $formatter->numeric('zh-CN'); // 1601.05100000

// France
echo $formatter->numeric('fr-FR'); // 1 601,05100000

// Netherlands
echo $formatter->numeric('nl-NL'); // 1.601,05100000

// Oman
echo $formatter->numeric('ar-OM'); // ؜١٬٦٠١٫٠٥١٠٠٠٠٠

Note: Arabic may not be displayed correctly due to RTL formatting of the output.