Packages from ennerd

  • ennerd/fubber-blade

    Blade Templates powered by BladeOne for Fubber Framework

  • ennerd/fubber-cmd

    A simple, independent library that parses command line arguments and makes it easy to develop command line functions.

  • ennerd/fubber-framework

    Fubber Framework by Create web applications that share the same source hosted by Apache, Nginx or React PHP.

  • ennerd/fubber-installer

    Fubber Framework Application Installer.

  • ennerd/fubber-users

    Provides basic user management classes, controllers, models and views for Fubber Framework.

  • ennerd/gitutils

    A few command line tools that automate some git tasks, especially if you develop in the vendor/ directory.

  • ennerd/libc

    A collection of libc functions implemented via FFI for PHP

  • ennerd/raw

    A simple, old school framework for efficiently developing applications.

  • ennerd/sourcedog

    Command line tool that monitors files in your source tree and performs linting and other useful things.

  • ennerd/fubber-jsapi

    JS API for Fubber Framework

    Abandoned! See ennerd/fubber-jsapi

  • ennerd/fubber-migrations

    Database migrations for PDO. Everything required in a neat, self contained package that only requires a PDO instance.
