
Warn you when a migration is unsafe

1.2.0 2023-10-31 09:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 00:12:49 UTC


⚠️ Warn you when your auto generated doctrine migrations contains unsafe SQL statements.

An unsafe migration is:

  • An operation that have to be done carefully if you are doing zero downtime deployments.
  • An operation on a critical table defined by yourself.
  • An operation that can lock table such like NOT NULL CONSTRAINT or loss data such like remove or truncate.
  • An operation that can be dangerous such like DROP or RENAME.
  • An operation defined by yourself.

When an unsafe migration is detected, a warning is displayed in the command doctrine:migrations:diff and a comment is added into the migration file.



Unsafe statements list

  • DROP

Any of these statement present in your last migration will trigger a warning, feel free to submit a PR to add more statements.


Getting started


You can easily install Safe Migrations Bundle by composer

$ composer require eniams/safe-migrations --dev

Then, bundle should be registered. Just verify that config\bundles.php is containing :

Eniams\SafeMigrationsBundle\SafeMigrationsBundle::class => ['dev' => true],


Then, you should register it in the configuration (config/packages/dev/safe_migrations.yaml) :

# config/packages/safe-migrations.yaml
      # required
      migrations_path: '%kernel.project_dir%/migrations'
      # optional
      critical_tables: # List of critical tables
        - 'user'
        - 'product'
        - # ...
      # optional
      excluded_statements: # List of operations that not need a warning
        - 'TRUNCATE'
        - # ...
Exclude a statement

If you want to exclude a statement, you can do it by adding it in the configuration file.

# config/packages/safe-migrations.yaml
      excluded_statements: # List of operations that not need a warning
        - 'TRUNCATE' # The statement TRUNCATE will not be flagged as unsafe
        - # ...
Create your own statement

If you want to create a custom statement, you can do it by adding a new class that implements Eniams\SafeMigrationsBundle\Statement\StatementInterface.

Here is an example
# config/services.yaml
        autoconfigure: true
namespace App\Statement\MyStatement;
use Eniams\SafeMigrationsBundle\Statement\StatementInterface;

class MyStatement implements StatementInterface
    protected string $migrationWarning;

    public function migrationWarning(): string
        // The message that will be added in the migration file
        return $this->migrationWarning;
    public function supports(string $migrationUpContent): bool
        // The logic to determine if the statement is present in the `up` method of migration file.
        // The following code can be enough
        return str_contains(strtoupper($statement), $this->getStatement());

    public function getStatement(): string;
        return 'MY_STATEMENT';
Configure critical tables

If you want to flag a table as critical and be warned when a migration contains changes on it, just flag the tables like this:

# config/packages/safe-migrations.yaml
      critical_tables: # List of critical tables
        - 'user'
        - 'product'
        - # ...
Decorate a statement

If you want to wrap a statement to personalize the warning message or the logic to catch the statement you can use the decorator design pattern.

See the example bellow, you can also check how to decorate a service with Symfony.

namespace App\Statement;

use Eniams\SafeMigrationsBundle\Statement\AbstractStatement;

class CustomNotNullStatement extends AbstractStatement
    public function getStatement(): string
        return 'NOT NULL';

    public function migrationWarning(): string
        return 'Your custom message';
# config/services.yaml
      decorates: 'eniams_safe_migrations.not_null.statement'
Event Listener

When an unsafe migration is created, an event Eniams\SafeMigrationsBundle\Event\UnsafeMigrationEvent is dispatched, you can listen it and retrieve a UnsafeMigration with the migration name and the content of the migration file.



namespace App\Listener;

use Eniams\SafeMigrationsBundle\Event\UnsafeMigrationEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class MigrationRiskySubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
        return [
            UnsafeMigrationEvent::class => 'onUnsafeMigration',

    public function onUnsafeMigration(UnsafeMigrationEvent $event)
        $unsafeMigration = $event->getUnsafeMigration();

        // Version20231030215756

        // Migration file

        // Migration file with the warning.
Debug the configuration

You can debug the configuration you set with the following command: $ bin/console eniams:debug-configuration


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

After writing your fix/feature, you can run following commands to make sure that everything is still ok.

# Install dev dependencies
$ composer install

# Running tests and quality tools locally
$ make all


  • Smaïne Milianni - ismail1432 - <smaine(dot)milianni@gmail(dot)com>
  • Quentin Dequippe - qdequippe - <quentin@dequippe(dot)tech>