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League of Legends PHP API Client

dev-master / 1.0.x-dev 2014-11-27 13:06 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 17:10:18 UTC


League of Legends PHP API Client

This client use the API server provided by : https://github.com/EloGank/lol-php-api


From Composer

In the require key :

    "require": {
        "elogank/lol-php-api-client": "1.0.*@dev"

Then, in a CLI window :

php composer.phar update "elogank/php-lol-api"

Composer what ?

Ok, here a fast lesson about Composer.
Composer is a PHP CLI dependency manager. Download Composer in your project root directory, here : https://getcomposer.org/download/

Then, you'll have a new file : composer.phar.
Now create a composer.json, and read this brief documentation : https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md
Finally, install this repository !

How to use

The Client object need three parameters, and two as optionals :

  • $host the server host IP address
  • $port the server port
  • $format the default output format
  • $throwException (optional, default: true) if true, an ApiException will be throw on error and the response won't contain the first array level which contain "success" & "result"/"error" keys.
  • $timeout (optional, default: your php.ini "default_socket_timeout" configuration) the connection timeout, in second.

In short :

// Declare your client and the configuration
$client = new \EloGank\ApiClient\Client('', 8080, 'json');

// Do your API request
try {
    $response = $client->send('EUW', 'summoner.summoner_existence', ['Foobar']);
} catch (\EloGank\ApiClient\Exception\ApiException $e) {
    // error
    var_dump($e->getCause(), $e->getMessage());

The send() method have three parameters and one optional :

  • region it's the client region short name (EUW, NA, ...). Make sure there is a registered client for the selected region in your API !
  • route the API route, in short it's the "controller_name.method_name"
  • parameters it's the route parameters, it's an array
  • format (optional) if you need a specific format for a specific route (see the API configuration documentation for available formats)


This example is available in the file examples/index.php.

Note 1: use instead of if you using Virtual Machine for the API server.
Note 2: a ConnectionException can be thrown if there is a problem with the server (timeout or connection refused, for example). Be sure to handle this case by surrounding with a try/catch and set the timeout in the Client::__construct() when an API client timeout.

// examples/index.php


require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

// Good response, no error, with exception
$client = new \EloGank\ApiClient\Client('', 8080, 'json');
$response = $client->send('EUW', 'summoner.summoner_existence', ['Foobar']);


// Error response, with exception
$client = null;
$client = new \EloGank\ApiClient\Client('', 8080, 'json');

try {
    $response = $client->send('EUW', 'summoner.summoner_existence', ['Not_found_summoner']);
catch (\EloGank\ApiClient\Exception\ApiException $e) {
    var_dump($e->getCause(), $e->getMessage());

// Good response, without exception
$client = null;
$client = new \EloGank\ApiClient\Client('', 8080, 'json', false);
$response = $client->send('EUW', 'summoner.summoner_existence', ['Foobar']);

if ($response['success']) {
else {
    // catch error

// Error response, without exception
// Good response, without exception
$client = null;
$client = new \EloGank\ApiClient\Client('', 8080, 'json', false);
$response = $client->send('EUW', 'summoner.summoner_existence', ['Not_found_summoner']);

if ($response['success']) {
    // do some process
else {

// Request with timeout
$client = null;
$client = new \EloGank\ApiClient\Client('', 8080, 'json', false, 1);
$response = $client->send('EUW', 'summoner.summoner_existence', ['Not_found_summoner']);

if ($response['success']) {
    // do some process
else {