
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Fork of tedious/Stash compatible with PHP 5.2+

v0.13.1 2015-12-01 00:53 UTC


Build Status Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Latest Stable Version License

Fork of tedious/Stash compatible with PHP 5.2+.


tedious/Stash is a fantastic caching library, but it's only compatible with PHP 5.4+. While 99% of PHP servers run PHP 5.2 or higher, 48% of all servers are still running PHP 5.3 or lower (source). It would be a shame to exempt this library from nearly half of the world's servers just because of a few version incompatibilities.

Once PHP 5.4+ adoption levels break 90%, this library will be retired.

Differences from tedious/Stash

The primary difference is naming conventions of the tedious/Stash classes. Instead of the \Stash namespace (and sub-namespaces), prefix the tedious/Stash class names with ehough_stash and follow the PEAR naming convention

A few examples of class naming conversions:

\Stash\Pool              ----->    ehough_stash_Pool
\Stash\Driver\Memcache   ----->    ehough_stash_driver_Memcache


Visit for the current documentation.

Releases and Versioning

Releases are synchronized with the upstream tedivm repository. e.g. ehough/stash v0.10.5 has merged the code from tedious/Stash v0.10.5.