
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Fork of Symfony's Dependency Injection component compatible with PHP 5.2+.

v2.5.4 2014-09-24 18:21 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-24 14:48:04 UTC


Build Status Project Status: Unsupported - The project has reached a stable, usable state but the author(s) have ceased all work on it. A new maintainer may be desired. Latest Stable Version License

This library is no longer supported or maintained as PHP 5.2 usage levels have finally dropped below 10%

Fork of Symfony's Dependency Injection component compatible with PHP 5.2+.


Symfony's Dependency Injection component is a powerful DI library, but it's only compatible with PHP 5.3+. While 97% of PHP servers run PHP 5.2 or higher, 32% of all servers are still running PHP 5.2 or lower (source). It would be a shame to exempt this library from nearly a third of the world's servers just because of a few version incompatibilities.

Differences from Symfony's Dependency Injection component

The primary difference is naming conventions of the Symfony classes. Instead of the \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection namespace (and sub-namespaces), prefix the Symfony class names with ehough_iconic and follow the PEAR naming convention

A few examples of class naming conversions:

\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder           ----->    ehough_iconic_ContainerBuilder
\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\Compiler          ----->    ehough_iconic_compiler_Compiler
\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ParameterBag  ----->    ehough_iconic_parameterbag_ParameterBag

Other gotchas when using iconic instead of Symfony's Dependency Injection component

  • Most of the loaders and dumpers can only be used with PHP 5.3+
  • The expression language feature is only available with PHP 5.3+


Here is a simple example that shows how to register services and parameters:

$sc = new ehough_iconic_ContainerBuilder();
    ->register('foo', '%foo.class%')
    ->addArgument(new ehough_iconic_Reference('bar'))
$sc->setParameter('foo.class', 'Foo');


Method Calls (Setter Injection):

$sc = new ehough_iconic_ContainerBuilder();

    ->register('bar', '%bar.class%')
    ->addMethodCall('setFoo', array(new ehough_iconic_Reference('foo')))
$sc->setParameter('bar.class', 'Bar');


Factory Class:

If your service is retrieved by calling a static method:

$sc = new ehough_iconic_ContainerBuilder();

    ->register('bar', '%bar.class%')
$sc->setParameter('bar.class', 'Bar');


File Include:

For some services, especially those that are difficult or impossible to autoload, you may need the container to include a file before instantiating your class.

$sc = new ehough_iconic_ContainerBuilder();

    ->register('bar', '%bar.class%')
$sc->setParameter('bar.class', 'Bar');


Releases and Versioning

Releases are synchronized with the upstream Symfony repository. e.g. ehough/iconic v2.3.2 has merged the code from symfony/DependencyInjection v2.3.2.