
PHP Support Package for Laravel DB

v1.0.1 2022-06-17 08:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 15:02:44 UTC



PHP driver for Loogger service to send notifications to Telegram.


composer require efureev/loogger "^1.0"


In your code:

$looggerConfig = new Config($looggerConfigJson);
$loogger = new Loogger($looggerConfig);

// ...
    ->pattern("<b>Gitlab</b>: {{MSG}}")
    ->sendHTML("<i>Hello from service</i>");

A Message type format:

->asPlain() // send message as plain
// ->send('Text')
->asHTML() // send message as HTML
// ->send('<b>Bold</b> <pre>code</pre>')
->asMD() // send message as Markdown.
// ->send('*Bold* text')

Allowed variables for patterns and message:

  • MSG - The Message content
  • SERVICE_NAME - The service name
  • SERVICE_DESCRIPTION - The service description
  • NOW - The datetime. Format: RFC822
  • CHAT_ID - The TG-chat ID
  • BR - Return a cursor to the next line. Like a \n.
  • TAB - Return a cursor to the next line. Like a \t.

from console-file:

php send2loogger.php --msg='Testing message!'


  • --cnf=<path> - A full path to config file. Config file should be a JSON typed.
  • --msg='<text>' - A sending message
  • --debug - Enables debug mode

from curl:

curl --location --request POST 'https://loogger.mockery.dev/push' \
--header 'X-Token: $2a$10$du8TEzvOs6HTgrbkuuTl0JNnhGF2Ki3xLKuPG5LoGBcn4S91W' \
--data-raw 'Hello from service'

Use Loogger service

Loogger is a service to send various notifications. Nowdays, it has only one driver: Telegram.

The service located at https://loogger.mockery.dev.

To use the Loogger service you should register there through Telegram:

  • Add tg-bot @Loogger to your group or direct chat to it.
  • To register into Loogger:
    For person chat: you should send auth data to it.
    For group chat: nothing.
  • Create a service: /add

A full list of commands you receive on /help